Chapter 1

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I don't know if it's night or day in my old neighborhood. I stopped knowing this the second day I was here. Even though our imitation-day lights come on at five o'clock and turn off at seven o'clock, so that they are on for 14 hours and off for 10 hours to represent day and night here in Aneuro, it never feels real or normal.

            I'm 15 now and moved here when I was 13, so I'm starting to forget just what the world above Aneuro is. Not many people know exactly where on Earth Aneuro is located; all most of us know is the name of our city. The few people that know where Aneuro is located include: The Creators, Maylin Ocklond and Heather Richter, all the workers that helped build Aneuro, and The Pilot, or Dae Dawmin a.k.a. D.D. They all have to wear monitors, though, because Aneuro is a secret and is to be kept hidden. Even us that live here never knew about it until we were told that we had the opportunity to live here even though no one has really ever turned down the opportunity. Elle and I never really got the opportunity because our moms are The Creators. Elle's mom is Maylin, and my mom is Heather.

            Elle and I have lived here since about a week after Aneuro was completed and while it was being built we never knew about it and didn't until the day we moved here. Everyone knows everyone here so I hear about all most anything people say about Aneuro and I've never heard anyone say they didn't want to live here. Since Elle and I are The Creators daughters, we have to help and our jobs are to sort through The Bin.

The Bin is where citizens of Aneuro can put any complaints, questions, or suggestions in. Out of the two years of doing this I have only found a couple of complaints. I don't really have any complaints other than I can't see the above world, but other than that everything is perfect to me.

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