A Storm Is Brewing

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[Gracie's POV]

I sat at the bar after the party they had thrown for us drinking some Coke. I was going to have to stock some more Pepsi. Me and Hazel had trouble finding Pepsi during our vacation and we were both craving the brown drink. Hazel had settled for some Mt. Dew, but we both still wanted Pepsi.

"So what'd ya guys do all week?" Rory asked, taking a seat on the counter between us.

"We went to Disneyland, saw family, took pictures with Avengers," I replied with a shrug. The Avengers heard this and all looked at me strangely, especially Steve and Thor.

"We were never in the Midgardian land of Disney," Thor told me. I sighed and resisted the urge to face-palm.

"Thor, in the real world you are very popular. So they pay people to dress up like you for publicity," I explained slowly. Thor nodded slowly. I could tell only half of what I said had actually entered his brain.

"What is Disneyland?" Steve wondered. My eyes widened as I realized he had never been to Disneyland. It hadn't even opened when he fell asleep.

"Tony! Take the Avengers to Disneyland!" I yelled across the room. Tony looked across, his mouth open.

"Steve's never been to Disneyland! We have to give him a childhood. Pepper! Make the arrangements! We're leaving ASAP!" The Avengers sighed and looked at me.

"You had to give him the idea, didn't you?" Natasha asked. I grinned before glaring at Clint.

(Warning: the following will contain spoilers for Avengers: Age of Ultron.)

"You! How dare you have a wife and kids?! How dare you ruin my beautiful Clintasha?!" I declared pointing a finger at him.

"I actually like the whole family vibe. I like how Natasha is a family friend." said Rory, entering the conversation from her place on the counter. Hazel just shook her head and chuckled at me under her breath.

"Sheesh Gracie. You never change," she mumbled. I grinned at her.

"But you know you love me."

"You're right, I do," she said with a small gesture of her hands. When I looked back, the Avengers were gone. How like them to just disappear. A figure materialized next to me, an arm wrapped around my shoulder. A similar arm wrapped around my waist. I looked up to the smiling faces of Ari and Janco. Ever since the end of the Study Series, they didn't have Yelena to big brother as much anymore. So they had kind of taken in me and Rory since we were the only ones who had read their books.

"So Gracie, we heard about you and Mike. Do we need to scuff him up a little for you?" Janco asked. I shook my head quickly.

"It's fine guys. Don't hurt him," I insisted.

"Come on Gracie. Give us someone to threaten not to hurt you again. We can't threaten Valek, 'cause he'd win hands down," Ari complained.

"And tied behind his back," Janco chimed in. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, if you're interested, you could try to threaten Loki. He's been pestering me ever since I got back from my vacation," I told them. They saluted and went off on their new "mission." I shook my head lightly. Those trouble twins. Lukas walked over to us and I felt Rory almost melt.

"No, Rory. You can't date him," I told her under my breath. She hit my arm.

"I know that. But I can at least admire his majesticness from afar, right?" she hissed back. I nodded. Lukas stopped in front of us and stared at me.

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