chapter 2

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"Why don't you want to come to school? You love school" Justin said as he gave me a hug. He was wearing the sweater I had bought him for his birthday and brown khakis, along with my favorite cologne of his. It smells so wonderful I could just hug him forever, He was right though; I do love school.

"What's wrong" He said. "Nothing, i'm just not feeling like school today, all the annoying little ninth graders.. it's just overwhelming and don't even get me started on the teachers" I explained. "What do you mean? You love the teachers?" Justin says confused.

I cant tell him about jacob just yet, I don't want to see his reaction so I quickly change the subject. "So moms working late again to night, maybe we can hangout after school?" I ask him. "Yea of course, i'll leave you to get ready now, I'll be downstairs" Justin gets up and walks downstairs to sit on the couch while I get ready.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Justin's Pov<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

I walk downstairs and sit on the couch wondering what has gotten into Aubrey, shes such an innocent, sweet, smart, fun girl. She loves all her teachers and everything, so I know there's something wrong, I just wish she would tell me what it is.

I walk around her house and find a scrapbook laying on her kitchen counter, I flip through some of the pages and find a picture of her and I from grade 9, I smile a bit and goes back and sits down. 

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Aubreys Pov<><><><><><><><><><><>

I throw on some white leggings and a neon pink tank top. I straighten my long brown hair and walk down to Justin. "You can't see my underwear through these right" i asked. "Nope, your good" he answered. I go back upstairs to put on some makeup and perfume, grab my backpack and run downstairs and jumps on Justin. "I don't wanna go" I whine. "It will be okay, would you like smoothies before school" he asks. "Strawberry banana smoothies from Oh-So smoothies?" I ask.

"Of course, they are your favourite" he laughs. "Then yes, yes I do want a smoothie" I giggle laying on Justin who is still sitting on the couch. "Lets go then" he says picking me up and carrying me out to his car. He puts me in the car like the gentleman he is and closes my door for me, before hopping in the other side. We drive down the road a little bit and stop at a red light.

 "And I will pick you up tonight after work alright Bubble butt?" he laughs. Bubble butt is what he calls me because he thinks I have a big ass, and well I don't mind being called bubble butt from him. "Alright" I smile.

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