He Fell Out a What?

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"We're about a half an hour away from camp," you tell Levi. You grasp his hand and help him to his feet, and he leans on you for support. The warmth of having his body so close to yours makes your heart pound and your face flush.

"Let's get a move on," he says.

You walk him past the tree, still holding the bark and the baby bird, and he leans on you until he has his balance. "I've got it," he says after a moment, and he limps semi-successfully next to you. 

"If you're sure," you say.

"Bozu- I mean, O-chan..." he says after a moment. "I want to thank you."

You glance curiously at him. "For what?"

"For... helping me smile."

"Of course," you say, hugging him from the side. "You have a beautiful smile, Levi-Heichou."

"You can call me Levi," he says quietly. "I mean, when the other men aren't around."

You smile. "I like that. You should call me by my name, too," you say.

He blushes. "I don't actually know your name."

You laugh, and pull him close, until his your mouth is next to his ear, and whisper your name.

"That's a beautiful name," he whispers back. "But I still like calling you Bozu."

"But that's such a childish way to address someone! You might as well call me kid!"

"I think it's cute," he says, his cheeks coloring.

You smile. "Then you can call me whatever you want."

"Fine, I will... Bozu," he teases.

"Okay, Grouch!"

He grimaces playfully, and elbows your side. "That was harsh," he says.

"Well, that's what you get." You stick your tongue out, and he laughs again.

Soon, the water is in view, and you and Levi trek gratefully towards the bustling camp. You help him into the shelter, where two men were waiting. Captain Jason was standing over Ham, who was lying still.

"Captain," Levi says stiffly, saluting the blonde man. You stand behind him, holding the bark, hiding the bird in your shirt. "We found the tree."

"With all due respect, Heichou," Ham muttered from the ground, "what the hell took so long?"

You pipe up. "Lev- er, Corporal Levi fell out of a tree."

There was a moment of silence, and you feel a sharp pain on your shoulder where Levi punches it. The two men before you collapse into peals of laughter.

"Baka. Don't say that," he hisses Levi to you over the snickers and snorts.

"He fell out a what?"

"A tree."

"He- fell out of the alder tree."

"No, Captain, he fell out of a pine tree."

Jason snorts again. "What the hell was he doing in a pine tree?"

Levi cut in. "Baka here got us lost, and I- uh- climbed it to find camp."

The laughter died slowly and Jason came forward and took the bark from you. "I see," he snickered. "That will be all. Both of you should get to work purifying water, now. I can see Heichou is too banged-up from his flight to do anything else."

Yours Truly, LeviWhere stories live. Discover now