Chapter 5

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Flying off together laughing Peter and Pepper flew around the island. Peter showed the Indian village, Skull cave and at Mermaid Lagoon Pepper looked at the mermaids from a rock close by while Peter went to go say hello to the mermaids.

"It's Peter!" exclaimed the blonde one.

"Hello girls" Peter said.

"Hello Peter are you really in love with a girl?" asked the black haired one.

"Well she over there" he said pointing at Pepper. The three mermaids swam over and started slashing Pepper.

"Come in sweetie the waters great." Said the red head mermaid.

To the mermaids dismay Pepper did a perfect dive into the water. "Yeah the waters great come on in Peter!"

"Sure!" Peter called a dove in as well. They laughed together and flew off.

Lying on a cloud still laughing Peter rolled onto his stomach and looked into Peppers eyes. "At the ship with Hook did you act like you liked me or was it real?"

"I'm not sure but I feel this connection to you. I'm not sure if I like you or I just want to be friends. What about you?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah I feel that connection too but I'm not sure either." He said.

"Well no use trying to figure out what Hook is up too." Pepper said.

"Why is that?" Peter asked.

"Well from the looks of how he kidnapped me I think now he's trying to find out where you are." She said.

"What no Hook he has no idea and he's always tried to find me."

"And you don't find that a little intimidating?"

"How? Hook can't find his best hook without someone, usually Smee helps." Peter said laughing and Pepper joined in.

"I guess your fine."

"So where did you come from?" asked Peter.

"Well I lived with my parents till I was about 8 then they died." She said solemnly.

"What happened?" asked peter concerned.

"Well they died of old age" She said.

"So your parents died of old age, how old were they?" Peter asked confused.

"About 80, there was this whole scientific process where I am biologically there's but I was born from another lady it's too gross to really explain." She said shaking with disgust.

"So your parents died what happened then?" he asked.

"I was in the orphanage program till hook stole me." She said.

"Hey want to go meet the Indians?" Peter asked looking for a lighter topic.

"Sure" Pepper answered cheerfully.

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