Chapter 4

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"Mr. Smee cast anchor!" Hook commanded.

"Ok, ok captain," as Smee through the anchor over the edge of the ship.

"Mr. Smee get Peter Pan" Hook commanded. As Mr. Smee ran and got the bag. When Smee put the bag on the deck Captain Hook spotted a shimmering speck on shore. "Miss Tinker Bell," Captain Hook called a shore in a sly way. The sparkle flew to the edge of the ship. "Miss Tinker Bell tell the lost boys that we have captured Peter pan and that we'll trade for my treasure or Peter will die." Tinker Bell had a sparkle explosion with a flurry of bells and flew off. "Mr. Smee I'll get my treasure back."

"How captain?" Smee asked.

"You see Smee the lost boys will give me the treasure and I'll throw Peter off the ship."

"Brilliant captain brilliant!" Smee exclaimed.

Deep in the wood Tinker Bell was tinkling to the lost boys but none of them could understand.

"What is it Tinker Bell?" asked a boy in a fox costume, Slightly. Tinker Bell responded with sparkles in the shape of a hook.

"Hook what has he done now?" asked a boy in a bear costume, Gubby. Tink added a hat like Peter Pan's stuck in the hook.

"Peter's in trouble and he need our help?" asked two boys in racoon costumes, The Twins. Tink nodded and flew off the lost boys followed her accept one a little boy in a skunk costume, Toodles. He walked to the room Peter Pan slept in. In the bed was a red head boy in a green suit fast asleep. Toodles woke him up and mimed what was wrong.

"What Toodles I'm in trouble and the lost boys are going to save me on Hook's ship." He said Toodles nodded and ran off. "Wait I'm not in trouble so..." Peter thought for a moment."It's a trap!" he exclaimed and flew off to Hooks ship.

Back at Hooks ship the bag started to move in sharp jabbing motions as if someone was kicking to bad from the inside.

"It's no use Peter Pan your grounded." Said Hook.

"Good one captain" chortled Smee.

"Smee tie this bag up and hang it overboard." Hook commanded.

"Aye aye captain," as Smee tied the end of the bag on a long rope and hung the bag over the edge of the ship.

"Peter!" 5 voices screamed. 5 lost boys and Tinker Bell were on the edge of a cliff as they saw the bag over the edge.

"I will let Peter Pan go once I have my treasure." Hook called over to the cliff.

"We don't have your treasure" called a boy in a rabbit costume, Nibs.

"Yes you do hand it over or I will cut Peter's line." Hook called as he drew his sword and brought it close to the rope.

"We don't have your treasure you old cod fish." Called Slightly.

"Fine then." Called Hook as he swiped the sword through the rope and the bag splashed in the sea.

"Peter!" screamed the lost boys. Then a rooster crowed and Peter Pan flew out of the wood where he was watching what was going on.

"Captain Hook who's in the bag?" he asked smugly.

"Peter P- Wait You. Bag. Sleeping!" He exclaimed. Peter dove and retrieved the bag that did have someone in it. He flew off to a rock and opened the bag and quickly flew away from arm reach. In the bag was a mirror?

"Hello hot stuff." Said Peter to the mirror. Then the person in the mirror punched him. "Ow!! Hey what was that for mirror?"

"I'm not a mirror!" Exclaimed the person, as Peter looked carefully he saw that it was a girl in a outfit just like his but hers had a skirt and she had long hair in braids down her back. Her hair is bright red like his, and her eyes were brown the same brown as his and she was staring at him with a confused expression. "What are you staring at?" She asked.

"You," He said, "You look like me."

"Actually you look like me," She said.

"Sure," he said sarcastically. Suddenly a canon sounded. "Duck!" She did and a canon ball flew a centimetre over her head.

"Come back Peter Pan!" Called Hook.

"OK Captain!" Called Peter. "What's your name?" He asked the girl.

"Pepper." She said.

"Come on we'll drive Hook crazy, Pepper." He said smirking. Then he picked her up and flew over to the ship.

"Let me go." She said as she wiggled in his arms. He dropped her expecting her to asked him to hold her again as all girls did. But to his surprise she twirled and somersaulted in the air and dived in the water.

"What is she?" Peter said to himself as she flew out of the water and hovered next to him and smiled. "You can fly?"

"You can fly I've been able to fly since I was born."

"Same here." Peter said and she giggled.

"Come on let's drive Hook crazy." She said as she dived to go to the other side of the ship. Peter smiled with delight and flew to the side of the ship.

"Can't catch me captain I'm too fast for you." Said Peter.

"Fire!" Yelled Hook. And Peter dived when the canon ball got to close.

"I told you, can't catch me Hook!" Called Pepper from the other side of the ship.

"Oh yes I can." Hook said as he turned the canon and fired. Pepper dived when the canon ball came to close.

"Captain you're hopeless!" Cheered Peter. Hook turned in surprise.

"Yeah captain! you can't catch us!" Cheered Pepper, as she flew to Peter's side.

"What there are two of you?" Hook yelled.

"Yeah or your going crazy captain." Called Pepper, then Hook saw the two braids that fell out of the pins.

"Oh how cute Peter Pan! You have a girlfriend!" Hook said, every girl, mermaid, fairy in Neverland gasped, Tink went ballistic with glitter and bells.

"Jealous Hook, I can settle down but all you can get is a crocodile and an octopus." Peter said winking at Pepper who blushed and giggled.

"No Peter, I can get a girl just no girl on this wretched island is good for me." Hook said.

"Maybe it's just that Peter unlike you Hook can be nice, sweet, funny, cute and merciful." Scoffed Pepper.

"I can so be sweet and merciful and the crew find me hilarious." Hook said. "Aren't I Smee." Then Smee burst out laughing and the crew did as well. "And to show my mercifulness I will let Peter Pan go will..." A rope flew out and caught Pepper by her hands and was pulling her on to the ship."...But you my dear are going to eaten for dinner."

"What! No! Wait your going to eat me?" Pepper said confused.

"Yes my dear you will make a wonderful soup." Hook sneered.

"No!" Shouted Peter but before he could do anything Pepper flew up to the mast flew around it and flew away from the ship pulling Smee on the other end of the rope bringing him to the mast Smee smacked into it and let go. Pepper flew around the ship to Peter who cut the rope with his knife and she was free.


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