Chapter 3

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Over London a Pirate ship loomed flying past Big Ben and over lower London. There was a man hanging on to a rope under the ship looking through all the windows. The ship finally arrived at the Orphanage and the man cried for the ship to stop. It did and the captain slid down the rope to see. The captain wore a long red coat, a purple hat with a blue feather and a silver hook.

“What is it Mr. Smee?” the captain whispered.

“Captain look at the bed near the back of this room captain.” Smee told his captain and Captain Hook looked through the window and gasped.

“Smee, Smee! Look! Look!!” the captain whispered excitedly. “It’s Peter Pan sleeping in that bed!”

“Yes so what do we do captain?”

“What do you think we do Smee? Go in there and get me Peter Pan.” Hook ordered.

“Aye aye captain.” Smee opened the large window and stuck Pepper in a bag and brought her on the ship.

“Off to Neverland Smee.” Ordered the captain.

“Aye aye captain,” Smee said. “But captain why were we here anyway?”

“Smee if you must know. We were still looking for Wendy she has still alluded me.” The captain told Smee in a tired voice. Just like that the ship flew off to the second star to the right and that morning they arrived in Neverland.

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