Chapter 9

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“Where is the fairy queen?” Pepper asked following Peter and Tink.

“Pixie hollow of course.” Peter said smiling. Pepper was slightly annoyed that he talked to here about the island like she knew it too. Was she supposed to know, was she related to Peter?

They arrived at large tree, full of bright green leaves. Tink stopped and turned to the redheads. “Let me go in first and ask if she will speak with you both.” Tink said in her tinkling voice.

“Sure thing Tink we’ll be here.” Peter said. Pepper nodded at her.

The two hovered there in the air, afraid of stepping or sitting somewhere and hurt a fairy. Pepper felt like to the fairies she was ‘the elephant in the room’ but she was the large girl in the way.

“Do you recognize any part of the island?” Peter asked.

“No, but I wish I did. It’s a really nice place. I never fit in anywhere I went in London” she said.

“Why is that?” peter asked.

“Well I never grew up. I have always be able to fly but I didn’t in London because that scares people.” She said. “Like a lot”

“Well you don’t have to feel like you stick out here.” Peter said. “No one does in Neverland”

“No one?” paper repeated.

“Yeah, everyone is too busy with other things and each and everyone has no reason to.” He said.

“Sounds like London.” She said.

“How old are you?” he asked.

“I don’t know” she said “how old are you?”

“Time doesn’t pass here.” He said “so I have no way of telling.”

“Really, no time at all?” she said.

“Yeah, the sun comes up and down but you never grow up here.”

“Did you ever count?” she asked

“No, but I don’t need to” he said smiling “there is no point.”

At the point Tink was back. “Her majesty will be out with her guard to speak with you” she tinkled.

“Great” Peter said.

Then from a knot in the tree came a glow. The light got brighter and increasingly brighter till is was a large ball of light. Coming closer, Pepper could see it was a large gathering of fairies. Some that wore armour and others wore many differently coloured cloths. Some wore green like Tink did but other wore orange and pink. The guard fairies spread into a large circle in front of them.

Then magic fairy dust came from all the guard and an image of a beautiful woman appeared. It was as if Pepper and Peter were looking into a mirror and seeing the fairy queen. Her face must have been enlarged to be about the size of theirs. She was beautiful, he heart shaped face made her look regal and he short blonde hair held her crown up nicely. Pepper could see her shoulders and the top of the purple dress she was wearing. Behind her head Pepper could see her wings. They were must grander than any of the other fairies wings. Pepper wondered if that was a factor for her being queen.

“Hello wingless children” she said in a soft voice. She even sounded like a queen. Not like the queen of England but that she had undying admiration from all.

“Your majesty” Peter said and they both bowed.

“Rise” she said and they did “how may I help you both?”

“Your majesty, we are seeking out the history of the island. The fairies are such and ancient people we wondered if maybe your majesty may be able to help us.” Peter said.

“The History of the island, it records all events that take place on the island. It is taking note of this very meeting as we speak.” She said smiling.

“Yes, but would your majesty know where we could find it?” Pepper asked.

“You know where it is my children.” The queen said “you only need to remember”

“Thank you for your help, your majesty” Peter said and they both bowed again.

“Good luck my children” she said. Then the fairy dust stopped and the guard returned to the great tree.

“We need only remember it?” Pepper said as the three flew off.

“I’m not sure what she meant either.” Peter said.

“Maybe in your subconscious memory” Tink suggested.

“Maybe” Pepper said. The fairy looked at her and turned a slight orange.

“Give it up Tink” Peter said “she was going to figure it out sooner or later.”

Pepper didn’t relay pay attention to the exchange. “Where could we refresh our memories?”

They thought for a moment. Pepper thought about how and Peter thought about going to sleep soon. “Pepper we should sleep. We can figure it out in the morning”

“Refresh our memory” she repeated.

“Refresh, maybe the mermaids!” Peter said.

“Those shallow fishes can help?” Pepper asked.

“No harm in asking.” Peter said. “They work with the water to do all sort of magic”

“On their hair maybe” Pepper said under her breath, this made Tink laugh.

“Then let’s go” Peter said. They flew to mermaid lagoon and slept on the sand.

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