My throat stung as I stopped and the dizziness feeling went away. The bucket was taken from my hands and set somewhere else.

I shut my eyes tight and breathed slowly. Now that I was laying down, I felt extremely tired.

"What happened Daniella?" Ororo asked.

"I don't really remember. All I can recall is flying and then nothing after that. Oh, and it was really cold too."

Warren spoke this time. "The blizzard outside was really bad. I found Daniella because Amara had called the mansion and I went out to find her just to make sure she was safe. Then the storm came and we got hounded. I tried staying with her but I just couldn't see anything. I lost her and I started to look around. I thought I heard my name once or twice but I still couldn't see her. Then when the storm let up I saw her falling towards the water. I tired catching her but she was too fast. I had to fish her out."

"Why were you flying out by yourself anyway?" Ororo asked.

"When we were at the planetarium, I was feeling sick to my stomach so I thought I could fly home," I lied. Man I needed to stop doing that.

"You know, it would have been smarter if you called a taxi or something," Warren said.

I shot him a glare. "Personally, I thought I was tough enough to do it by myself."

He grimaced. "Obviously, you weren't. That scared the crap out of me Dani."

"Dani?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Daniella's too much a mouthful," he suggested.

I heaved a sigh. "Thank you. For saving me."

He smiled. "Your welcome." His smile disappeared and he stared sheepishly at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. I almost heard a quick spasm of his heart, but it disappeared.

Getting up, he squeezed my hand tightly. "Excuse me." He nodded his head and left.

"Oh, so he saves my life and decides to go somewhere else," I scoffed.

Ororo kneeled down beside me. "How are you feeling now?" She was trying to fight a smile.

"I don't feel sick anymore. But I could use a blanket or two."

"Here." She grabbed something off the arm of the sofa and handed a blanket to me. I wrapped it around myself and started to feel a bit warmer.

"Do you want something to eat?" Ororo suggested.

"No," I said. If I thought about food I knew I'd throw up again.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Okay. If you need anything just yell."

I nodded my head and she left. I sighed and snuggled up in the blanket. Why did Warren leave? He couldn't stay for a minute or two? I felt like I owed him big time since he saved me. Maybe he had something important to do. Then again, this is Warren we're talking about. Handsome, rich and as Kitty had said, a sucker for pretty girls. So maybe he didn't. I glanced around the room and noticed my reflection in the window. My dark brown hair was in a ratty, tangled mess and my skin looked clammy and wet. My pale green eyes however, looked bright and alive.

I sighed. So this is what I looked like after fourteen years. To be honest, I looked more like I was eighteen then twenty two. I don't think I remember what I looked like before I was captured. I felt anger bubble up in my chest. What were my captors doing now? I hoped they faced a storm and were thrown overboard the ship and drown. In fact, I wanted them to rot in the soil. Was that man at the planetarium going to find me and tell them? I knew I would have to stay out of sight for a while. But what on earth was going to happen when they came here? Would they find me? And the plan they were hatching, was everyone seriously going to meet the same fate that befell me because of my decision to come here?

X-Men: The Falcon (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now