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The plane ride to Canada was long. I was terrified of heights, and the plane was really small. It felt strange being thousands of feet in the sky, but I tried not to focus on that. I sat next to an elderly couple, and this movie with Adam Sandler and Bella Thorn was playing as the in flight movie. 

I had an aisle seat. I was too afraid to look out the window. All I could think about was the whole "what if the plane crashes" thing, and the fact that I was on the way to see the love of my life. When our plane arrived at the airport my stomach dropped. I was really doing this. I walked into the airport, and went in this really long line to get into Canada. They checked my passport, and there was some complications since I was under age, and flew alone. They called my mom, but we got everything sorted out. After that 20 minute delay, I got my suitcase, and went through security. 

I went into the waiting area, and there was a ton of people. I looked around for Jesse. I was so nervous. I couldn't find him, but then I heard my name. I turned my head, and I saw him. All my emotions hit me at once, and my heart felt like it was going to explode. Jesse was really there.

"Jesse?" I said in shock.

He hugged me, and held me for a really long time. I couldn't even comprehend what was happening. He was really here. He smelled so nice, and felt so warm. His mom appeared minutes later, and introduced herself. I held Jesse's hand for the first time, and walked with him and his mom to the car. We both smiled the entire way there.

When we finally got to Jesse's house, he had my favorite snacks out for me. Then he took me to my room. We sat down on the couch in his basement and held hands.

"Mercedes, I can't believe you're really here."

"I can't believe it either."

I wanted to kiss Jesse the moment I saw him. I couldn't take it any longer. 

I looked up at him and whispered, "Jesse.. can I kiss you?"

He blushed and whispered, "Yes."

The moment I kissed him my heart melted. It was the most intense feeling I had ever experienced. It was a literal shock. It felt that entire year, in one kiss, in one moment. It was all there.  I felt complete. 

The week I spent with Jesse and his family was one of the best weeks of my entire life. Being with the person I loved was bliss. 

The day I left was hard. Jesse held me at the airport and I cried and he did too. I cried the entire plane ride home. 

Being in a long distance relationship is difficult. It's hard not being able to be with the person you care so much about. It's hard not being able to hold their hand, or be there for them when they need you most. Although, it's difficult I found that being in one has it's benefits. I really got to know Jesse, the real Jesse. Our relationship wasn't about looks, who we hung out with, what we wore, and all those things society seems to focus on so much. It was about us. It was about was on the inside. It was what actually mattered in life. 

Another year has passed since this trip. Jesse and I have been together for two years. I saw him on July 16th this year, and this trip was just as amazing as the last. Our relationship has grown stronger, and our feelings have grown deeper.  

I guess, I just really wanted to share this story to let everyone in a long distance relationship know that there is hope, and even though you aren't with the person you care about now. You will be someday. Anything can happen. I never thought I would fly to another country to be with a boy I never met before. Life is funny that way. Live. Go after love, and make your dreams come true. 3 miles, 1,516 miles, it doesn't matter. Love is love, and it deserves to be felt and celebrated. 

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