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After dinner was finished, we all made our way to a massive bonfire that had been constructed to celebrate the new greenie. Basically this consisted of wrestling, getting pissed and generally acting like morons. 

"You can stay with me tonight. Only if you want to, you could hang around with Minho or someone else if you want..." Gally said with nerves in his voice.

"I think I'll stick with you if that's ok" I reply with a chuckle.

The first thing we do it go get a drink, he leaves me there for a little while to go and get some more wood for the fire and Newt strikes up a convocation. "You know that Gally has never been this nice to a greenie before right?"

"What? Really, he seemed so sweet!" I say in return, now thinking that maybe something strange is going on, but I push those thoughts to the side.

"Yep, usually he is the one everyone stays away from Sailor, maybe you should be careful."

Taking a big swig of my drink, as I swallow it burns a tad but it tastes great so I go for some more.

"And I'd be careful with that stuff too" Newt giggles, "it's Gally's secret recipe and gets people hammered and fast. do you know what's funny though, you and him are the only two people who don't have a facial reaction when drink that vile stuff."

"And? You're point is? Maybe the rest of you are simply pussys." With that I turn around and see Gally trudging back with a shit tonne of logs. I say bye to Newt and go to see if he needs any help.

"Hey, do you want some help with that, it seems rather heavy?"

"Nah, I'm fine but if you want to be helpful there are some more in the deadheads to collect if you wanna come with me quick?" He says, throwing down the pile in his arms.

"Ok I guess, you want some of this?" I give him the glass and he finishes the rest off, placing the glass down on the floor and showing me where the other logs are.

We come to pile slightly smaller than that of the pile previous and each take a few logs. I decide to ask him about what Newt said to me at the bonfire.

"So, Newt said you're never usually this nice to greenies" I say quickly with a chuckle.

"Shucking hell, Sailor don't listen to him he's a slinthead anyways."

The rest of the way back I see out of the corner of my eye him looking at me, his head tilted to the side and one eyebrow raised, eventually the turns away shaking his head and breathing out heavier than before. We get back and the wrestling has started. Minho beats Newt out of the circle and Gally explains the rules to me. 

"Basically you just have to push the other person out of the circle and not get out your self, who ever stays in wins. I myself am the reigning champion with not a single loss to my name." Gally says with a little arrogance in his voice.

Raising my eyebrow I say, "Really? It looks like Minho could give you a run for your money." This gives the desired effect, so when Minho goes to walk off Gally steps up and offers him a match.

At first Minho denies, but when he sees me smirk he changes his mind. "Fine then shank".

At the beginning of the match, it looks like Minho is ahead and I cheer for him loudly, with everyone but the builders joining in my chants, they bet on a Gally winning.

At the last moment when hope seems lost for Gally, she smiles and Mihno at that moment gets too cocky. Within seconds Minho is out of the circle and Gally wins. He stands there in the centre and turns to me and shrugs his shoulders sassily, "Didn't I tell you I would win?" He starts to amble over. In this moment he is bloody gorgeous, his shirt is sticking to him from his sweat and he catches me looking at him. He bites his lip and swiftly rips off his top.

"Any more takers for a match?" He questions. No one steps up, instead they train their eyes on me and I feel my face blush and embarrassing shade of red and I step back on to my other foot. I asks one more time, however he directs the question to me, I cross my arms to imply that I don't want to but he doesn't care. He strides over and slings me over his shoulder.

"Let's let everyone else decide your fate, huh?"

And with that everyone is on his side, they laugh as he puts me down. "I'll play soft yea?"

At this point I don't care, I just want it to be over with. So I take a deep breath a form two fists, holding them up just like he did with Minho. This match was over pretty quick, and in the end he held my arms above my head and was straddled over my waist, putting the smallest amount of pressure on my waist and hips. HIs body comes closer and he whispers in my ear, "you give up yet?"

My reply is a simple "yes captain..."

In return he kisses my neck slightly and gets up, offering me a hand and pulling me up with him.

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