1:The New Greenie.

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I hear and feel the grinding of metal.

Underneath me the ground shakes. I look down to see a vast abyss of darkness and a fear of it swallowing me expands from the deepest point within me.

I don't know where I am heading, but I must be at the top of this seemingly infinate well of fear.

What seems like hours but must only be minutes, I am thrown against the cold rusty metal and the darkness is flooded with light. Turning my head to cover my eyes with my hair, all I can sense is the confused silence and then a huge weight drop right next to me.

"It's a girl..." says a relaxed British accent.

I match with "Yea no shit". This is met with a group of "oohhh!" And gasps. Coming out from the curtain of hair I hide behind, I match the voice to a skinny, dirty blond male and he looks up to the others ( a group of around fifty other boys, not a single girl is in the crowd).

"Well if your not gonna help me I guess I will help my self" I say with an auror of sass and arrogance. I pick myself up and take the closest hand hanging over the edge of the box, he pulls me up within a matter of milliseconds and stands me right infront of him.

"I'm Gally, but to you I'm captain." He is at least 6'3" and I am a whole foot smaller however that doesn't stop me from being my usual self.

"Well Gally, I don't like being undermind, but if you earn that title I will call you it. My names Sailor by the way." My out stretched hand is met with a firm shake and eyes looking deep into mine, in the short time I've looked into his eyes I loose myself in the green and blue tints.

When I blink to come round again, all the boys are smirking with eyes trained on my hand still holding Gally's. I let go quickly and a hand is on my shoulder, "you said your names Sailor?" Turning to the tall and handsome Asian behind me, I nod, "the names Minho" and with that he leaves with the rest of the group, laughs can be heard and a few boys turn around and wink at Gally, who is still standing and staring.

"Well? Why am I here, if you think you have a high title in this place, explain..."

"We don't know why we are here, and even more confused that you are here."

We walk around and he shows me the area they call the Glade. We get a few looks and whistles but I understand because I am the only girl and I have kinda taken a warming to him. I'm not gonna lie, but he is super hot, he has gorgeous eyes and him muscles can be seen through the tight shirt he wears. He also as a really cute laugh that makes my heart flutter and a little giggle escape me.

When we finish the tour, we end up at the Homestead and it's dinner time. Gally takes us to the front of the queue and introduces me to Frypan the cook, we both take a plate of food and Gally says I can sit with him, Newt, Thomas, Chuck and Minho. I sit and am sandwiched in between him and Minho. Minho leans over and whispers "he never sits here, turn around and see the table in the corner that's where he normally sits, with the builders." Even if he doesn't normally sit here, they make an effort to include the both of us in their small talk.

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