Chapter On-Given it all

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If we make it
On a tight rope
I'm not falling,
I'm not crawling.
You can't blame me
Not for trying.

Skylar ran. Her feet pounded against the concrete; if it could still be considered that. The cobbled stone was cracked and weeds grew silently. Everything smelt like decay and trash.

She knew there were three zombies on her tail. Deadly zombies.

Skylar glanced over her shoulder angrily to check the distance between her fan the creatures only to find one missing. She took a moment to contemplate but realised she should just take out the two that had continued the chase.

The 18 year old rounded a corner, jumping over rubble of an old pharmacy. She threw rubble down as she passed to hopefully ruin the runner's footings.

she had run a lot since she left the vault but there was a limit to how fit you could be. She knew her engery was dwindling. She had to do something.

Once she cleared the rubble she looked herself and noticed only one runner was trailing her. It's not every day two zombies, let a lone a runner stopped chasing you. Had it tripped?

As she turned to continue running, only narrowly avoiding surprise contact with an oddly intact wall.

Oh no

She was boxed in. Reaching behind herself to her backpack she attempted to withdraw her baseball bat. She desperately grappled at air, gaining nothing and waiting precious. It must have fallen out while she was jumping rubble.

Oh no.

The Zombie was closing in. She had no more weaponry having used all the grenades on the last Horner she had faced, the one with eyes like her father that smashed a holy in the street. The rest must still be stashed at the bunker.

Oh no.

She did what she always did when the world felt extra cruel. When her father left and her sister died and the vault was abandoned. She grinned.

Oh no.

-/\- Kata Mumbles -/\-

Hey team! Welcome to my new book, Bowling Balls!
Zombies, gay people, what more could you want?
Seriously though, the first two chapters are written because this started off as a school project. I'm planning to continue on here though. Sadly, oh second heroine hasn't arrived yet. Here's a hint to her first appearance-BOWLING BALLS!

Thanks to Catzyu and QuirkyCleshe for encouraging me to post this online! Thanks guys!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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