Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Your so adorable baby girl." He chuckled, kissing my forehead.

Just as I opened my mouth to reply my bedroom door swung open and there stood my dad.

"Umm." He awkwardly said, looking around my room, "Vanessa is here to see you."

"She is?" I asked confused, not really expecting her arrival.

"Uh yeah." He nodded and I quickly rose from my spot and followed my dad down the steps, signaling to Austin that I would be back soon.

There at the end of the stairs, right at the front door was a smiling and waving Vanessa, "hey! What's up Em?"

"Not much I um..." I laughed, "I was just packing up to go to Florida. Austin's here's and we are going back tomorrow."

"What?!" She gasped, her eyes going wide, "since when? Oh my gosh!"

"He showed up a bit after you dropped me off. My dad said we can go... So we are." I said and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Oh wow." She laughed, "when are you coming back?"

"No idea." I admit, "that hasn't really been brought up."

"Oh... Are you happy? Did you talk to Austin?"

"Yeah..." I blushed, looking at the ground and nodding, "I think everything is better now."

"Good." She smiled, "I'm gonna go talk to him and make sure he doesn't hurt you ever again."

Before I could say anything, or even blink, she was sprinting up the stairs and going to my room.

"V!" I called after her, laughing loudly and skipping stairs, "Vanessa wait!"

"Oh you wanna join the interview?" Vanessa giggled as Austin sat there looking absolutely mortified.

"Is she gonna interview me like your dad?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Just best friend addition." She smirked as raised her eyebrows up at him.

"Emily hold my hand." He laughed, holding his hand out for me as he now is pretending to be terrified.

"So Austin." She said, putting on a serious face and crossing her arms over her chest, "what do you all plan to do with Emily on the way to Florida and when you get there?"

"Have fun, keep her entertained... Catch up with some friends. My mom wants to see her again." He explained, squeezing my hand.

"And how does she make you feel?" Vanessa pressed on, glancing at me then back at him.

"Happy... Astonished that she actually still cares about me after all the shìt I put her through. She deserves better and I know I'm being selfish when I say this but I'm glad she's with me." Austin gushed and looked me in the eyes, "I love you more then anything."

"Awwww." Vanessa blushed, but quickly shook her head and turned serious again, "anyway... Um Austin.... What would you do if you wanted to have sex and she didn't?"

My eyes widened at the very straight forward question and my eyes dart between Vanessa and Austin, awaiting his answer.

"Then we wouldn't." He explained, "I would never make her do something like that. I can wait as long as she wants me to. Three weeks or three years. I'll still be by your side."

I couldn't help but blush, my cheeks turning bright red and he pressed a soft, loving kiss to my temple.

"Okay Austin look." Vanessa said, breaking her silence and putti a serious look back on your face, "you seem like a really great guy and I can tell you really care about Emily but you really hurt her. She's been through hell and back this past week alone and she needs someone like you to help her. But I swear to god if you do anything like that to her again I will find you and I will chop your dićk off."

She ended with a smile before turning to me and pretending like nothing ever happened, "are you excited for Florida? You have to remember to text me!"

"I'm not going to be gone forever." I giggled, "it'll just be a little while. I can't just leave here completely! I mean I hate everyone here except you."

"Well." She smiled, standing up and I did to, giving her a long tight hug, "see you later Em!"

"Bye Vanessa! I'll probably text you tomorrow!" I smiled.

"Bye Austin." She laughed giving him a quick hug.

"See you later." He laughed.

She waved goodbye before soon leaving my room and shutting the door behind her. Leaving me and Austin alone again.

"She sounds like a good friend." He smiled at me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back down onto the bed with him.

"She is." I smile, burying my face into the crook of his neck, the familiar scent of him causing my heart to flutter and beat harder in my chest.

This whole situation is just so surreal. I just finished high school and now j get to travel across the country with my boyfriend?

Dream come true much?!

How did this even happen to me? Like I have the world strictest father of all time. He literally despises Austin. I don't understand why he's just let in me run off with him just out of the blue without any plan whatsoever,

No matter the reason, I'm glad he let me. I know he's just trying to make me happy.

"Do we have to wake up early tomorrow?" I ask Austin, wrapping my arms around him tighter.

"It's up to you princess." He smiles as he softly spoke, "it's gonna take us a while to get back home. We can take as long as you want it just depends on when you want to get there."

"Can we just wake up, when we wake up?" I ask shyly, not wanting to ruin any plans that he already had set in his mind.

"That sounds great." He smiles, softly kissing the top of my head, "you should get to sleep darling. You had a crazy day."

I just nodded, closing my eyes and smuggling into him, feeling as if I could just mold into his body.

I could already feel my body going weak as sleep started to overtake me and I just now notice how tired I actually am.

"Goodnight." I yawn, barley able to speak, "I love you Austin."

"Goodnight babygirl." He whispered, "I love you."

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