dallonisweak: then im not adding her

ryanross: okay, im chill

dallonisweak: hAHA

dallonisweak has added warpedmuke to the conversation

warpedmuke: wtf

spookyjim: nEW FRIEND

spookyjim: HELLO

ryanross: hi bitch

warpedmuke: oh hell no

warpedmuke: u did not just call me a bitch

ryanross: i just did

brendonurie: dont worry about him

brendonurie: he's preggo

warpedmuke: ooohhhh

warpedmuke: aAAAWWW

warpedmuke: with who's baby??

brendonurie: mine :-)

warpedmuke: oMG AAWWW

warpedmuke: how cute and gay

ryanross: of course we are

spoookyjim: we are all hella gay

dallonisweak: except me, i am straight

dallonisweak: straight as a ruler

warpedmuke: u mean the cheap bendy ones??

dallonisweak: nO LEAVE ME ALONE

warpedmuke: lol no

patrickstump: dallon is hella fucking gay

petewentz: tru he aint straight

dallonisweak: i AM

patrickstump: bullshit

patrickstump: brendon was ur first boyfriend

warpedmuke: oh shIT

spookyjim: shots fired

petewentz: *air horns blare*

ryanross: can we not speak of that

dallonisweak: u just jelly

ryanross: i have no right to be jealous

ryanross: considering the fact that IM having HIS baby, right?

dallonisweak has left the conversation

warpedmuke: :( dallon bby...

warpedmuke has added dallonisweak to the conversation

dallonisweak: don't add me back

dallonisweak has left the conversation

patrickstump: poor dally :(

brendonurie: that wasn't very cool ryro

ryanross: iM SORRY

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