Fixing A Puzzel

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I walked in front of the body-sized mirror in my room. Looking at myself I saw

Dark circles under my eyes

Hair thats no longer soft and golden

A scrawny body that hasnt been washed in days

Dirty clothes with stains

And a background of my room that hasnt been cleaned in weeks.

I spend my days sleeping, browsing, and reading happy endings of fanfictions that'll never happen to me.

I dont eat that much. Alfred comes by every once in a while and gives me a little food to get me by. The dishes are stacked up in the sink and garbage piled up in every bin.

I dont know how I can even live like this. I guess everything got to my head. Being invisible to everyone... and after Kumajirou got lost about a week and a half ago, I couldn't think of a reason to live any more. I'd probably be better off dead, but to be honest, im too scared to die.

I wipe my eyes and head to the door after I hear knocking. Standing up to the peep hole, I see my brother Alfred. I open the door and rub my eyes as the brightness of the afternoon sun streams in.

"Come in" I mumble, motioning the twin inside. As he sits down on my living room couch, I examine him. He doesnt look too good either. I see a few scars on his arms and roll my hoodie sleeves down, hiding my own.

"Is everything okay Al?"

Still staring at the floor he answers back. "I just wish I could help you. I want to help you so much but I just cant. Ive thought for hours on how to fix everything and I cant think of anything!" Alfred closes his eyes and runs one hand through his hair with a quiet sigh. Tears rolling down his cheek, he finally looks up at me. He looks so miserable... and I did this to him...

"Please tell me how I can help you!" his hands reach for my small ones, his grip tight. I could see how much he cared. I didnt think anyone cared about me... I cant even think about how im supposed to answer. After a while I finally manage to let out,

"I dont know!..... I.... dont know....."

My brother wiped his eyes with his hands and stood up, still holding both of my hands.

"Come stay at my place. I'll fix you up. And if you want to I'll take you to France's place. I dont mind. I just want to help you..."

Some time and some thinking passed and I decided to go with him. It couldnt hurt anymore if I got out of the house for a while, right?

I packed a bag with some clothes and headed back downstairs to Alfred.

"Ready bro?"



(A/N: just a bit of a new idea. Tell me if you want it to continue. I love hearing what my readers think. Bye angel faces *hugs* stay safe!~ ♥)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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