Missing You Too

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This is part 2 of this PruCan story

~Gilbert's POV~

I was in my room working when a skype call came ringing up. It was my Birdie. I carelessly tossed my work across the room and answered. "Birdie?" It took a while for him to answer but he finally did. "Y-yes...?" he replied. I could hear the sadness in his voice but tried not to worry. "Is there something you need?" I asked, hoping hed answer sooner this time. "N-no... I just wanted to see you..."

I missed him a lot... I missed seeing his smiling face and his violet eyes... and that cute little curl of his... "Vell I vant to see you too so how about ve both turn our cameras on?" I suggested to my cute Canadian. He agreed and I counted down to where we both turn our cameras on.

He looked.... depressed.... his eyes were red from what im guessing is lack of sleep and crying. I could see the scars on his wrist. H-he started cutting again... I didn't mean to make him... I-I...

I could feel myself falling apart but I tried to be strong. He was wearing the clothes I gave him. Which meant he was feeling lonely... "Have you been crying Birdie?" He told me yes and that he was missing me... I felt so bad for leaving my Birdie...

I wanted to brush his hair back as I told him everything would be okay. "I'll be there soon. Dont worry." I assured him. He quietly kept crying into his pillow when Kuma crept up behind my sad little Canadian and cuddled him. I whispered to the polar bear "Thank you..." and looked down.

My Birdie wiped his eyes, sniffed, and looked up at me. "I-im sorry for c-crying and g-getting your pillow w-wet..."
"Thats okay Birdie." I told him. I tried to change the subject by telling him I had something for him when I got back. He seemed a little bit happier. To me at least.

After talking to him for a while (and even singing him a lullaby...) he drifted off to sleep, holding Kumajirou in his arms and all snuggled up in his blankets. I know it sounds creepy but I like watching Matthew sleep. He just looks so cute and innocent... I wanted to be there to snuggle him...

I know he was sleeping but I whispered to him I'll be there soon... I love you....


It was time to go to the airport and see my Birdie. I was so happy. I grinned at the thought of seeing him. I drifted off to sleep on the plane ride and dreamt of playing in a feild with Mattie. He had made a flower crown for me and placed it on my head. My heart warmed and a smile spread on my face.


The plane arrived and I gathered my carry on bag. Walking down the hallway, I thought about if Matthew would be there waiting for me. He would be. Hes just that awesome.

I could see he was searching frantically among the passengers thatd just got off the plane.

My heart was thumping hard against my chest as I saw his face.

I could barely get out "Birdie!" He heard me and his eyes started flowing out tears as his eyes found me. His lip quivering, he tried running up to me but his legs didnt seem to work properly. He even almost stumbled trying to get to me. "G-Gil...!" My hands let go of my bags so I was ready for his lunging hug into my arms.

He was crying happy tears into my shirt. I kissed his head and stroked his hair, careful not to touch his curl. "Shhhh... everything is okay now my Birdie... Im here now" I heard his cute little voice say "im so happy your here now! I missed you so much!"

I smiled down at him. "I missed you too Birdie..."

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