Chapter Six

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Ginny's POV

Oh my god. What is happening? I'm sure this is a prank. Is it? I'm in my room pondering on these recent events when I get a text from Ronnie.


I'm about to respond to the text when I hear a soft knock at my door.  "May I come in?" It's my father. "Yeah sure Dad," I say as he walks in the door. "Okay so I know this morning has been a little-"

"Psychotic," I say cutting him off.

"Well yes," he says. "Okay Ginny I need you to have an open mind and listen to me."

"What are you talking about Dad?" I ask utterly confused.

"I'm a wizard," he blurts out. "That's what I'm talking about," he says a little more gently. "I didn't say anything earlier because- well because-"

"Because what Dad?" I ask almost shouting.

"I haven't told your mother alright?" He whisper- yells. He then meekly says "I was afraid she would reject me and then we got married so quickly and before I knew it we had had you and Alec already and it just never happened."

"Your joking," I say sure I'm right.

"I'm really not Ginny," he says.

I scoff. "Alright then let's see some magic," I say mockingly.

"Well you see the thing is I haven't used my powers in so long that I'm afraid they've fizzled out and long story short I can't do magic anymore," he says.

"Okay sure you're a wizard Dad," I say, "and let me guess Alec and I are a witch and a wizard as well."

"Well I'm not sure about Alec yet but you I'm sure of because of two reasons," he says, "one because of your Hogwarts letter and two because I've seen you do things normal children can't do."

Now that he says that I remember incidents where I had done some pretty unusual things but I had dismissed them as flukes and freak accidents. The time I was on a field trip and I got the monkey at the zoo to poop on Ms.
Grenwald's head. The time I was mad at Alec and told him to stay away from me and he couldn't walk within ten feet of me like I had a force field. The time my stuffed animal that I loved since I was three magically repaired itself after our dog Shredder (who was appropriately named) tore it apart. But this can't be real stuff I mean c'mon magic?

"I can't believe my friends got you to play along with their little game," I said trying to make my dad crack.

"I'm not playing a game Ginny and your friends have nothing to do with this," he says.

"Fine," I say ready to poke a hole in his story. "Then why haven't you told mom."

"Okay I'll tell you but you have to promise to keep your mouth shut," he says in his I'm-not-messing-around voice.

"Fine I promise but this better be good," I replied.

"I haven't told her because we have-," he paused trying to find the right word. "Dangerous," he says after a long contemplation, "family in the wizarding world.  Family that could get us in trouble," he says.

"Yes and who might that be?" I ask.

"Well- it's Sirius Black," he whispers.

" Who the heck is that?" I say a little too loudly.

"Shhh keep your voice down," he scolds. "He's a prisoner at a very highly guarded prison in the wizarding world. It's called Azkaban."

"And?" I ask almost eager to here more.

"Well he's a prisoner," my father says, "but he is also your uncle and godfather."

"My uncle?!" I say trying to keep my voice down. I had thought for all eleven years of my life that my father had been an only child and now to find that I have an uncle and what's more a godfather. "Wait if he's my uncle why isn't our last name black?" I ask.

"I changed my name to keep myself and you guys protected," he says.

"Really??!!" I ask astounded.

"Yes but there's one more thing you should know about Sirius before you get too excited," he says.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"He's planning to run," my father says.



So that's chapter six of Golden I hope you like it but it's more of a twist and a little more about Ginny. I decided in my last chapter of Fangirl Problems (another book on our account of you don't read it already you should start) that I would call you my Phoenixes.

So goodbye my Phoenixes and until next time.


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