Chapter Four

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Ronnie's POV

"Mom mom mom mom mom mom!" I said, running up the stairs full-speed. I skidded down out wooden floors, accidentally falling into Adam's room. He shot up out of bed.

"RONNIE!" He said, half laughing and half shocked.

"Sorry!" I said, standing up and running out of the room again and into Mom and Trent's room. Mom was sitting on the bed, holding her head in her hands, and Trent was holding her in his arms.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Veronica?" She looked up, scooting out from Trent's arms. "Veronica, there's a lot to explain here." She said, walking over and hugging me tightly.

"Mom? What the heck is going on?" 

"Ronnie, please listen to me. Open that letter and read it out loud to me."

I nodded and did as I was told, opening the wax seal and taking out the paper inside. It didn't feel like paper. It felt thicker. And it wasn't typed... what's wrong with this school? Don't they know how to use email?

"Dear Veronica Evans, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 31st... Yours sincerely, Mayonnaise McGonagall... Deputy headmistress."

"Minerva McGonagall, Veronica."

I laughed and handed her the letter. "As if."

"What do you mean?" Mom asked, looking dead serious. Was she really believing this? Why isn't my mom a famous actor, she seems pretty good at it.

"Mom, it's obviously a joke. Witchcraft? Wizardry? Is 'wizardry' even a word?"

"Yes, it is. Ronnie, this letter is true. I know because I attended this school as well."

"Geez, Mom, how much did my friend bribe you with? Was Ginny involved in this? She said she got a letter too, or was she joking?"

"It's a magic school, Ronnie. Only a select few people are able to attend it."

"Magic doesn't exist, Mom."


That's how I ended up at my kitchen counter, writing a letter back to Mayonnaise McGonagall of how I accepted the letter. 

Yeah, right. I wonder what Mom's going to do with it. It's obviously punishment, what is she going to do with a letter written by a eleven-year-old girl who can't even pronounce Minerva correctly?

I did oblige, obviously, I didn't want to get in any more trouble than I wanted to, despite having Mom rage on me when I said that magic didn't exist.

Here's how the letter turned out:

Dear Minerva McGonagall,

Thanks for the letter. I really don't know if you're joking or not about this magic school, but Mom claims it's real and she said she went went there and such. My friend Ginny got a matching letter, I think. She never texted back. My mom also said that the school is in the 1980s... how does that work? It's almost the 2020s here, it's 2015. Well, if she's right and magic does exist, then I guess that time-travel doesn't seem so farfetched in your world. 

Maybe my world soon, though.

I guess you can expect me on September 1st. Mom told me it was in London. Does that mean I get a plane ride? Idk (that means I don't know in 2015 language, if you didn't know. If we're going to Hogwarts with a bunch of 1980s people, you're gonna have to get use to our slang). I'll get my materials and such before then, too.


Ronnie Evans

I tied the letter to the owl's leg like Mom told me to, and it flew out the window with one last squawk at me. If it was going to London, it had quite a far ride.

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