The only thing comforting him was the thought that although he absolutely hated the job on the inside, he appeared as though he enjoyed it on the outside, and it seemed as though the older women and mothers liked that.

After an hour or so on the job, he started walking back to the main building to change out of his shift. It was then that he noticed Chanyeol sitting on one of the benches along the way, frequently looking at his cellphone and his surroundings.

Baekhyun froze a few meters away, trying to decipher what his gut was telling him. In the end, however, he decided that it held no harm to walk over and take a seat next to the giant for a bit. He did promise him a while back that they'd spend at least some time together during the festival, and Baekhyun was counting their time sitting quietly on a random bench as "quality time".

When he sat down, Chanyeol seemed surprised, but nonetheless, he moved a few inches off to the side to make room. With his legs together and hands on his knees, Baekhyun sat in a straight form, hoping that his demeanor would scare Chanyeol off and shorten their experience together, but the jock did not.

"Aren't you hot under there?"

Out of a new habit with the basketball player, Baekhyun opened his mouth to respond until he figured that it wouldn't have been the best idea in the whole world. He kept quiet instead.

"I know it's still early morning, but the sun comes out pretty hard during this time of the year. It's almost summer, you know," Chanyeol smiled as he persevered onwards with the one-sided conversation. "Even I'm getting hot with all this dress up."

Turning his head over to Chanyeol, Baekhyun noticed all the small details in Chanyeol's appearance from his slick hair to the black and white suit with the small rose sticking out from a small pocket.

"Do I look stupid?" he jokingly laughed. "This feels so tight, but if I get at least one bid, then it should be pretty worth it right?"

Baekhyun shrugged.

Looking down at his phone again, Chanyeol quirked his lips before raising his eyes back up at the fuzzy character. "It's almost ten-thirty. First shift's over."

Taking it as his leave to go, Baekhyun stood up and started to pad away and barely paused when he heard Chanyeol call from behind.

"I looked for you in the classroom, but they told me you were the one in the Rilakkuma costume. Even then, I couldn't find you, so I've kind of been sitting here for a while," he said, content with talking to Baekhyun's back. "Come to my class' event and bid for me."

In an attempt to avoid answering, Baekhyun moved again, but Chanyeol rose from his seat and grabbed onto the bear's large spherical tail from behind, holding him in place. "I don't want to go on a date with someone."

"It's lunch, not a death sentence."

With a stupid grin on his face, Chanyeol let go of the bear's tail and gave Baekhyun a slight push forward.

"If it's not with you, I'm not interested," he said. "Just bid. Now, get out of that thing and hurry on over to the auditorium. It's going to start soon."



Chanyeol didn't know how he felt. One moment , he was extremely happy to see Baekhyun sitting in a seat in the third row all the way off to the side and away from where the cluster of cliques were concentrated, and then the next, the giant felt a sad sensation when Baekhyun never bid on him and ended up buying his classmate Kris.



"Why'd you do that?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "I don't know."

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