Cliche Things

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British guys

Jocks, bad boys and players

A character describing themselves by looking in the mirror

The opening being waking up from an alarm clock

Boy bands

Sexy smirks

Leather jackets

Coffee shops, mainly Starbucks

Nerdy girls



Song lyrics everywhere

Sad moments being rainy

Highschool labels; jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, emos

Justin Bieber

Supernatural highschools

Expensive cars

Page long descriptions about how hot a guy is

Dead parents

Single parents

Over protective brothers

Abusive dads

New people at school

Francisco Lachowski as Chase

Six year old siblings who are adorable

Mean teachers

The waitress hitting on your date

Werewolf mates rejecting each other

Harry Styles

Flawless main characters

The absense of black people or anyone who isn't white

Sitting in the desk next to or in front of Chase

Being assigned a project with Chase

Being assigned the baby project with Chase

Changing the player

Underground fights


Parents who are always away on business trips

Good girls who know nothing about sex but manage to ace Biology


Pet dogs turning into werewolves (hot guys)

Loads of siblings

Topless guys

Highschool parties

Food fights

Hot rich guys

Supernatural royalty

Car crashes

Hot Babysitters

Tutoring the hot guy

People going undercover as nerds

Using pictures to describe your characters- not that I've ever done that...

Deep, husky, sexy voices

Perfect teeth

Sexy hair

Nerdy glasses

Fake boyfriends and girlfriends

Tragic character backgrounds

Crazy exes, Fenton

The name Xavier

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