03: In which Yoongi's veins are attacked

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i take forever to update

i keep forgetting Yui's age and that Park Jimin didn't have an episode with BTS until August

i changed a few things, so you might want to go back and

also, no. this will not be a fast relationship, despite implications in this chapter.

they're just becoming friends

As soon as the "On Air" sign flickered off behind the camera man, Yui let out the breath she didn't be know she was holding in.

At times like this, I'm even more certain these people are robots because I couldn't breath.

SunshineSmile gave her a wave with a crinkled eye smile and Yui grinned with a two fingered salute.

As soon as Kevin turned away, however, she dropped it in horror.

I look like that cyclops from Naruto.

As she began to walk off the set, a cry sounded from behind her.

"Yui! Good job!"

She spun around to see Jimin smiling brightly with two thumbs up, and Eric grinned at her.

Yui flashed a grin at Jimin who in turn have one back before it turned slightly mischievous.

"Jungkookie!" He cried and before she knew it, he was past her and messing with the maknae's hair.

"I feel abandoned," Eric murmured and she fought back the urge to laugh at his expression. "Awww, I'm here!" Yui pinched his cheek and he snorted.

"Although I wish you weren't." He gently batted her hand away with a crinkled eye-smile and she huffed before laughing.

"I have to leave now. Nice meeting you, Yui!"

The adorkable dark-haired male had her one last wave before disappearing into the darkness behind the set.

As she waved for no use, she could hear struggling from behind her and spun around.

Help me, Jungkook mouthed and she smiled brightly. Not today.

If looks could kill, by this point, she'd be ten feet under, with the funeral procession all done and the fake-crying people already in their cars, driving back home to catch the latest episode of Naruto Shipuuden.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yoongi talking to Namjoon and she grinned.

The rappers continued along with their conversation before all the sudden she tapped Yoongi's shoulder.

"Rrrrrready to go get me new yogurt!?" The elder one's eyes widened before he spun around to see the beaming girl.

"She's right, you know." Namjoon said and the pale boy sighed.


With a grin and a wave to the members, the girl dragged him away.

Yoongi let the girl continue to drag him before he offered something of great use.

"Do you even know where we're going?"

At this, Yui froze.

She could Daiki's laughter from across the sea.

Before she knew it, her wrist was being gently grabbed and tugged away.

"Where are we going?" Her eyebrows knit together.

How To Get Popular (BTS; Yoongi/Suga x OC) (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now