Chapter 2: The Search For Her

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Clint made his way silently down the right hall, opening the first door he saw before entering, pistol in hand.

"Si," He whispered," Where do they have you?"

Roger's had to travel aways before he hit a door, this one locked. He slammed his shield on the knob, and the door slowly swung open. He walked in, immediately spotting a lone cot. Hope rose in the captain, but the luxurious flooring and full bookcase seemed like it belonged to an officer if some kind.

"Someone's defiantly used this in the last few months," Steve said over coms, examining the thin layer of dust on the wooden case," Perhaps three at the earliest."

May had unlocked the file cabinets, only to find a few flash drives. Three to be exact, each seeming about 16 megabits. She checked the other cabinets, finding nothing.

The last drawer of a cabinet had three electric locks. May tried looking for the key, but to no avail. Finally, she took out a small EMP, and watched as it dismantled the locks.

As she pulled it open, Melinda reached into drawer. Her had grabbed smooth glass, pulling out a tablet. She immediately saw the sb ports, and put one of the drives in. she tried to turn the tablet on.

As she expected, the little EMP had fried the computer on accident. She pressed her earpiece.

"Skye, I have three flash drives and a dead tablet. You think you can salvage anything?"

"You underestimate me?" She answered, playfulness in her tone as the older woman shook her head. She began to inspect the rest of the room.

Meanwhile, Clint had found all the rooms in that hall empty. At the end was a stairwell, which he was descending.

"SiSi where are you?" He said, his voice just above a whisper. The archer was answered with cold stillness as he went down into darkness.

Barton pulled out a flashlight, mounting it on his pistol. The light revealed another hall, less doors.

"C'mon Sienna, show your face."

He tried the knob of one door, finding it locked. He took a step back, breathing in quickly. His foot hit the wood, immediately unhinging itself.

Clint let out a breath, talking louder this time," For God's sakes Sienna, I wrecked René. The only way you'll kill me is if you find me."

Still, the quiet was the only one to greet him. The archer shook his head, going out and moving on, more aggrivated. He just wanted his partner back.

It took around an hour to search the building, but there was no sign of any prison. The part of AIM that had escaped from the compound wasn't much, and Natasha and Ward had rounded them up and called the local authorities. They would get a nice present of tied up scientists and soldiers.

The teams took the quinjet back up to the Bus, greeted by the ever sarcastic Skye, who was more then happy to salvage the tablet and flash drives.

Stark sat down in the couch, letting out a long sigh," Another dead end."

May turned to the billionaire," Maybe not. Once Skye is done-"

Tony shook his head, covering his eyes his his hands as he yawned," We all know that AIM couldn't kidnap Sienna if they really wanted to. At least we know that now. That was the only functioning base of their's that we know of, and pretty sure it was the only."

Before Melinda could answer, FitzSimmons strolled in, followed by Doctor Banner, holding a data tablet.

The threes had been buddies since they'd set foot in the lab. Once Jemma practically explained all her PHDs, Bruce hadn't stopped talking with her. Fitz also lent in on conversations, his expertise a little irrelevant during their chats, but he still had a good enough knowledge of pretty much everything science.

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