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The travel was long and dangerous, but he had made it so many times, that now it was like a child's game for the young Jedi. Obi-Wan's former home was just as he left it; Luke haven't touched anything, he didn't move a thing, maybe because it was unnecessary. Being there always made him remember the day it all started, when he discovered who his father really was, when the adventure started to never end. He was just a young farm boy, who dreamed of a future away from the sand and the suns of the planet he felt trapped in.

He sat in the middle of the main chamber, the same one where he was handed a Lightsaber, his father's former Lightsaber, for the first time, and started meditating.

-Luke. -The voice was loud and clear, after hearing the science for so long.

-Ben. -He answered calmly, opening slowly his eyes, just to see his old Master sitting beside him, glowing in a shade of blue.

-Something bothers you. - Old Obi-Wan, always knew everything. -Tell me about it.

-It's my mother.

-Padme. -The name was a whisper, almost unheareable. -She is back.

-Yes Master. But, she doesn't know anything. - The blond boy continued. – I don't know what to do. I don't want to break her heart.

-Have you talked to your sister, Luke?

-No. I thought it would be wiser to ask for your advice first. - There were a few seconds of silence before Luke spoke again. -She is looking for you. And for my Father.

-Anakin. - He said this time. His voice was sad, more than concerned.

-What should I do, Ben?

-Do not let her look for him. – The face of his master then changed, and looked at him gravely. -Hard times are coming, young Luke. You probably already felt it.

-The disturbance?

-It's little, almost imperceptible, buy it is there. Be careful Luke. And don't let her try to find your father.

-I won't, Master. - He looked down, then back at the ghostly eyes of the older one.

-The Force is trying to talk to us. Be ready to listen. - He said, and then the blue silhouette of Master Kenobi was gone, leaving Luke alone again.

He stood up, brushing the dust off his pants with his bare hands, looking at the place one more time. He never knew if that was going to be the last time he was ever going to be there. He felt it the second he put a feet outside, like a pulse, like the circles of a drop falling into the water, the halo of a presence far away. The dark side.

The words of his Master were still repeating on his mind like a record. What was happening? Yes, he was a Jedi Knight, but he still had much to learn, and this was beyond his power. But now he had something more important to think on. His mother. Padme. She was desperate, she knew nothing of what had happened, and he didn't know how could he break in the news to her. But Leia surely did. "I need to talk to her" he thought. So, as soon as he got to the former Lars's homestead, now his, he sent a Holomessage to Aalderan's princess.

"Leia, it's your brother, Luke. I'm afraid I'm communicating with you because I'm currently on a situation I cannot handle. I need to talk to you, as soon as possible. It's about our biological parents. Please answer me. May the Force be with you."

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