With our hands now intertwined, we treaded back towards our pack, and I noticed that Evergreen was suspiciously rather close towards Elfman. He had his arm loosely draped around her shoulder. I smiled at that, noticing how well of a couple they made.

Everyone swarmed around me and hugged me, especially the girls. Lucy cried as she hugged me tightly, a little too tightly in my opinion. "Lucy....can't....breath!"

"Oh! Sorry, girl!" she apologized as she loosened her hug.

We all mingled for a moment before making our way back home, the snow falling gently around us. It seemed as if this rescue mission went very perfectly, a little too perfectly in my opinion. But, perhaps the countless stories that I had read were messing with my brain. This wasn't a story after all.

"Is it me, or did this seem to plan out too well?" I admitted as we treaded through the forest.

Several pack members glanced at me before nodding slightly.

"I gotta admit, Shrimp. I thought Scar-Face would find us too, but I guess we got real lucky." He shrugged his shoulders as we continued walking on.

But suddenly, a twig from the denser part of the forest snapped, causing the pack to go into full alert. Everyone was eyeing every area of our surroundings, making sure that the cause of the noise wasn't a threat towards us.

"You morons have got to be the biggest group of idiots that I've ever seen," a deep voice called out from the shadows.

I recognized that voice easily, as did the others.

Gajeel growled at the direction that his voice was coming from, holding me close to him. "Show yerself ya coward!"

He merely chuckled, rushing towards us with an incredible speed. Before Gajeel could do anything, Laxus grabbed me by my neck and yanked me away from my boyfriend, holding me up high above the ground. His hold on my throat tightened ever so slowly, and it got to the point to where I could barely breath. I began to choke, clawing at Laxus's hand with my nails, but he seemed to not notice.

"Let my girl go, you moron!" Gajeel yelled out, storming towards us with a killer's look in his eyes.

Laxus only squeezed my neck harder, causing me to cry out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you try to attack me, I break the girl's neck, got it?!"

Gajeel snarled at the taller man, his eyes switching over to a sudden pitch black color. His fangs grew to peek out of his lips, and his nails transformed into claws. It was obvious that he was insanely angry right now, but what could he do? Laxus was too strong for him.

When Gajeel didn't make a move to walk any closer, Laxus chuckled again. "Are you giving up, Redfox? It's not like she'll live. No matter what choice you make, Levy McGarden is going to die now!"

I screamed with nearly every last ounce of air that I had, the tall blonde now squeezing my neck to where I could feel it beginning to crack.

"LAXUS ROTHSTEIN DREYAR!!" a shrill voice yelled out with an incredible amount of anger laced into her voice.

Instantly, Laxus dropped me onto the ground, giving me a chance to crawl back over to Gajeel. I gasped for air as I crawled, but luckily, Gajeel picked me up and held me close to him once more.

Storming out of the shadows of the forest, Mirajane, Lisanna, and Bickslow emerged. The look in Mira's eyes could cause anyone to wet their pants instantly.

"O'Oh...Erm, hello dear!" Laxus nervously chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Suddenly, Mira clutched onto the roots of Laxus's hair, slamming him down upon the ground. He whimpered out loudly and rubbed his now sore head.

"Don't you 'hello dear' me, Mister! You are in SO much trouble!! You better consider yourself lucky that I still love you, or else I would have taken the pups and left your sorry butt by now! To hell with the mating laws! You aren't getting any for two months and you have to change Rinna's diapers for the rest of her baby life!"

Grabbing onto Laxus's ear roughly, she dragged him away. The tall blonde himself was hiding his face, the color of his cheeks and ears as red as Gajeel's eyes. Once they disappeared, Lisanna hugged us goodbye before heading back towards the Eastern pack with Bickslow.

I giggled. "Wow, she sure is a she-devil."

"Are you kidding me? She was holding back right there. I bet he ain't gonna be able to walk for months when she's through with him," Gajeel snorted out, still glaring towards the direction where the small group left.

Laughing, the pack and us continued on our journey home. My home.

{Oh! I also wanted to say that I'm starting a GaLe One-Shot Book tomorrow! Requests are open! I plan to write every request down in my notebook and write the one-shots while I'm at school. (I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty smart, so I tend to get my schoolwork done quickly. I'll have time XD). So, if you guys have any requests(if you want to see Gajeel and Levy in any situation), you guys can either message me or let me know in the comments! (I don't write Lemons, but I will write fluffy moments like kissing, cuddling, and even perhaps intense making-out lol, but nothing farther than that!).}

The Wolf Beside Me{Fairy Tail}{GaLe}Where stories live. Discover now