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Ashley's P.O.V

" So this is the stage that we're going to be on." Mikey shows me the stage and what it looks like from his perspective. " Wow, just looking off this this seems scary even without anyone out there." I stand amazed at the view where all the people will soon fill.

Mikey sighs " Yep it's very scary but when you're playing for them it's even scarier because you want to be perfect..." He trails off and looks at his phone screen. " Is that your girlfriend?" I ask carefully and quietly .

" I guess you could call her that. She's always away but I love her to death and she's always telling me I'm perfect and not to worry about her being gone." I look at him " Well if it makes you feel any better I don't have a boyfriend but I have friends." He chuckles

" How is that suppose to make me feel better? I have Max and all he does is eat and snore." We both laugh at his comment. He shows me how I'm suppose to check the mics and to see if they are good enough. Soon we find Melody and Max walking around.

Max had his arm around her as a friendly gesture but Melody seemed to like it a bit more. Mikey noticed and he put his arm around my waist. I jump and we both giggle. " Hey guys, so how's the helping going?" Max asks " Awesome. What about you two? " Mikey answered way to excitedly.

" Great, were about to go to the signing tent to set up the chairs, the eps, and make little notes to put in them." Max looks down at Melody, she's so short compared to him. It's cute, I like it.

As we walk off from them I hear Max loudly whisper something to Melody about Mikey and I. " They would totally be cute together" I giggle and think maybe we would be cute.

We ended up at the bus and went inside.   I sat down on the couch and let out a big breath.  " I am so not ready for the crowd." Mikey looks at me

"Why not? You have it easy just watching us play. " I give him that worried look" Someone could get hurt and that's pretty scary and I don't have it easy Mister. I watch you play your amazing guitar and I freak the fuck out because it's real and then I scream santanicly. I don't even think that's a word but it is now."

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