Chapter 1

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1.) Trees don't talk, Stacey!

  I run down the school hallway. I'm in a rush to get to my school locker. It's not like I only have five minutes to go to my locker, grab my stuff, and somehow make it to class. Wait, that's exactly my problem. If I'm late again Mr. Danes is going to give me a detention slip. I just don't understand why I get in trouble when I have a good excuse to be late. 

This morning I discovered something incredible. That trees can talk! Isn't that so cool? When I tell Mr. Danes that he'll definitely not send me to detention.  In fact he should apologize for being rude to me just because I'm awesome. I can't wait to tell him all about the tree I met on the way to school.

  It's amazing talking to a tree. He was very nice to me.

Beginning of flash back

 It was just a normal morning and I was on my way to school. When suddenly I ran into something hard. My head told me it's a tree because there's so many trees around here. I know people like trees and I understand that, but do people really need trees in the middle of the sidewalk?

"Are you okay?" A very smooth voice asked. Then I realized that the tree was talking to me. The trees voice sounds very sexy. No! I will not become attracted to a tree! That'd just be to weird to me. After all how would I be able to kiss him Or do some inappropriate things...? Whoa slow it down brain, I mentally tell myself. Trying to get my mind out of the gutters. 

 "Yea, I'm fine," I told the nice tree. Buzzzzz Buzzzzz Buzzzzz. Oh no! That's my school alarm telling me class will start in 15 minutes. "Nice meeting you Mr. Tree, but I need to go," I say and start running. As I was running I could hear his confused voice, "my name's Ace!" 

End of flash back

 I start jabbing into my locker. I shouldn't of started thinking about that tree. I've waisted about two minutes. Now I'm definitely going to be late for class.  So I do what any girl would do at a time like this. I run as fast as my feet would go to my class.  

Slamming open the door I'm sure everyone noticed me. Specially a really mad English teacher. Mr. Danes flung a pile of papers onto my desk. Detention papers to be exact. I look at him skeptically. He can't banish me from the class room for being late. 

"Wait, I have a reason why I was late!" I rush. After I tell him about my friend Ace he'll surely not punish me. "What?" He asks impatiently. Hu huh, and I thought teachers are supposed to be nice and build your dreams. Obviously he missed the how-to-be-nice class in kindergarten. Since he never learned to be nice that means he'll grow up to be a grumpy old man. That's a horrible imagine to get in my head.

"TALKING TREES!" I yell out randomly. My cheeks start burning up. That was not the way I wanted to tell the class that trees talk. Why, oh why did I always mess things up? Oh well. No use in fussing over the past. "I meant to say that I met a talking tree named Ace," I corrected myself. 

Mr. Danes is looking at me like I'm crazy. And so what if I am! The best people are born a little bit crazy. Mr. Danes takes the paper's off of my desk. I smile triumphantly at him then at the while class. 

Ace... that name sounds really familiar. Other then the Ace of cards. Hmmm.... I start remembering about last night. I was watching wonderland and the Ace was hot! He had light strawberry blonde hair that you'd just want to run your hands in. But his eyes, you could lose your soul looking into his blue eyes. 

Mr. Danes is staring at me seriously now. "Strange. We have a new student named Ace lannyx," he tells me. But a tree can't come to school. That's just impossible. 

Just like on cue a boy walks into the classroom. But, oh my is he gorgeous. His light brown with a hint blonde hair was so much more captivating then the Ace from wonderland. And don't get me started on how I could get lost in his chocolate eyes. I think he stole a male models body because nobody could be that perfect. But even me. And I think I'm pretty hot to the boys.

  "Hey," the instant I hear that voice I freeze up. It's the trees voice! The whole class says 'hi' in union. While I am trying to calm myself down. Maybe the tree is a shape shifter. That way he can be a tree and a human. But if that's true why was he a tree this morning and not a human? If he was human nobody would of noticed that's he's different. But different in a good way. 

 "Are you a shape shifter?" I ask him. Ace turns to look at me. "No," he says in a confused voice. Oh, So he's playing dumb. That's not fair because I already know that he's a tree. I pout my lips and put on my puppy eyes. There's no way he could lie to this face. 

"Are you okay?" He asks and its like disavow. But this time I realised he's not a tree. If only I had lifted my head up I would of known that. Hmm, leave it to me to ruin my life. At this point I'm so embarrassed. Of cause he isn't a tree. That would of been stupid. 

"Sorry. I thought you were a tree," I squeak out. Still to embarrassed to have my voice should confident. Ace starts laughing really hard at me. How is that funny? Seriously this is a big deal and he's laughing? I glare at him " this isn't funny!" That just makes him laugh even harder. Which earned him my secret weapon... "YOU MEAN JERK! STOP LAUGHING, THIS IS A BIG DEAL!" I yell at him.

 Ace  laughs even harder if that was possible. I would love to kick him in the no toughy zone. He needs to learn how to be nice. Actually I might make my own class called 'How to be nice' Because Mr. Danes and Ace need that class. Along with manners class. 

Finally after like thirteen minutes Ace stopped laughing at me. "Sorry, but your just so funny," he snorted. Now I know he really needs some help. I do but think yelling at people is funny. "Whatever," I huffed. Making him grin like smiley (one of the seven dwarfs for Snow White). 

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