so close

I smirked to myself lightly, as he scrolled through his phone. His eyes brightened slightly when he found a song, and he clicked on it.

The speakers in my car were filled with music and I turned to Calum.

"What song is this?" I asked.

He smiled, like it was his favorite thing to talk about.

"The City by The 1975," he explained.

I nodded slowly and listened to the music blasting through my car.

"Yeah you wanna find love then you know where the city is," Calum sang lightly with the song.

It wasn't too bad from what i could hear, but he was basically whispering. The boys in the back seemed to get really into it. By then end of the car ride, we had listened to almost the whole album.

"So, were they shit?" Calum laughed, getting out of the car, along with Ash and Michael.

"Eh," I winked.

He blushed slightly and walked inside our large house. His eyes seemed to widen slightly when he saw it, probably because of how large it was. Damn, it he saw my house... he would fucking flip.

I hated living like a prince when I was little. Big house, lots of money, lots of things. When we were buying our house here, it was really hard to pick a house this big, it reminded me of home too much. Oh well, we needed the space for the football team.

We walked in and I led Calum through the maze of rooms. The other boys decided to go get the instruments, and Michael offered to go get Calum's bass from their dorm.

I entered the basement with Calum behind me, taking in the sight of our large, furnished basement.

"W-wow," he breathed.

I chuckled quietly and said, "Yeah, it's pretty big. Nice for parties though."

He nodded slowly and I led him to the big-ish room leading off of the main basement. It's our music room pretty much. Ash and I reserved it for the band, so this is where we practice.

"LUKE AND CALUM WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" Ashton yelled from upstairs.

"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK!" I yelled in response, laughing loudly.

I heard the stomping of feet coming down the stairs, and I soon saw Michael and Ashton holding our instruments.

"Your bass is a little beat up Cal," Ash laughed.

His face fell from his puppy dog smile to a frown. His eyes darted over to Michael and he gave Cal a sympathetic look. What was that all about? Was the fact that Cal had a beat up bass a big deal?

I shrugged it off and started to tune my guitar, along with Calum and Michael. Ashton just sat on his stool, playing with his phone awkwardly while we got set up.

"Okay, so start playing your first song you played at the party, and I'll add in when I think there needs to be bass," Calum said when everyone was finally ready to go.

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