What the fuck?

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Kadarious Pov
I had already took a shower last night. I woke up and threw on some grey sweats and a Polo T-shirt with my Jordan slides. I don't know what we have planned for today. I really just wanted to go back home. Don't get me wrong. Florida is a place filled with nothing but fun. But I miss my big ass house😫.
Skyla Pov
I woke up feeling like shit. I shrugged it off and got up to get dressed. I put on a pair of yellow sweats with a Nike T-shirt and a pair of black Nike slides. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and finished the rest of my hygiene. I don't feel like doing nothing today.
Brielle Pov
I was already dressed. I didn't wanna do anything today so my attire showed it😭. I had on a pair of purple leggings with a white tank top. And a pair of white flip flops. My hair was piled on top of my head in a messy bun. Whatever we are doing today I wish it could already be over. Tomorrow we are leaving anyways because Lex birthday is coming up and we going to fuck some shit up.
Taheim Pov
I think everybody wanted to go home already. Everybody was dressed in sweats, T-Shirts & slides. Hell I was really ready to go home dead ass. Florida was fun as shit but I miss being at home in my big ass bed. Brie ass was complaining talking about she ready to go home so nobody ends up going to jail. Hell she was right. Lex and Skyla been causing hell every since we arrived😒.
Aaliyah Pov
I didn't know what we were doing today so fuck it. I threw on an oversized T-Shirt with a pair of blue sweats and some black slides. I put my hair in a ponytail and placed me a Nike golf hat on my head and a pair of black tinted shades. As I was finishing up I got a text message from Trint..
Bestfriend👫😛-Hey OG. We are all going to Cheddar's for lunch. After lunch we are going home.
Me-And we going in a restaurant and we all look like who did it and why✊. I wish y'all woulda told me. I could've atleast put on jeans or something.
Bestfriend👫😛-Ma it ain't no shame in my game😭. We going home anyways so hell fuck it.
Me- Boy you crazy but alright. Who driving this time?
Bestfriend👫😛- I guess I'm driving again. At this point I'm just ready to get my skinny ass home and sleep in my own damn bed. UDIGG😜❓
Me-Boy yeen never lied😭. & IDIGG😜❗️.
**Arrived at Cheddar's and everybody ordered already**
Unknown Pov
I seen their little family having fun talking and laughing. I was not jealous at all. But me doing my job. I have to do what I have to do👮. I wish I didn't have to but when money calls I have to👌. They were the perfect family. But yesterday at the waterpark 3 girls were fatally injured and placed in ICU. All three of the fights were recorded and sent in to the Miami Police Department. I need to stop thinking and just do what I have to do. Seeing how bad those girls were beat I hope they don't beat me like they did those girls. I was nervous ass hell but I knew I had to do it. So I sucked up my fear and approached their table. " Jalexiyah Mariah Simmons, Skyla Jakeria Archangel and Brielle Janèt Smith. You all are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. "
Brielle Pov
What the actual fuck was going on. What the hell could I possibly have done to e arrested. All I was thinking was What the fuck? What the fuck dude?. I wasn't about to be extra and go crazy so I could have more charges. I was shocked and confused.
Skyla Pov
Awh hell😨. What the fuck did we do? I don't care about no fucking "Anything you say can and will be used against you". Fuck that I want to know why the fuck I am being arrested. This is some fucking bullshit and I will not fucking tolerate this. "Why the fuck am I being arrested? What the fuck did I do?" I asked the officer. "Ma'am I understand that you are confused and upset but could you please watch your language? You all are being arrested because a video was sent in to the MPD(Miami Police Department) of you 3 fighting. The victims are in the hospital in ICU." The officer stated. Well fuck that I'll just do my fucking time. I'm not about to be a pussy and break down and cry. I wasn't crying when I was beating that bitch ass so I damn sure am not about to cry now.
Jalexiyah Pov
I wasn't even mad or nothing. I had a feeling that we would get caught eventually😂. My only concern was who the fuck recorded the fucking fight and turned us in. When I find out. They are going to be one dead son of a bitch☺️. I give no fucks✌️. These polices can kiss my ass🙌😊.
Kadarious Pov
I knew they were gonna get caught. But I didn't know that they would get arrested. I said I wasn't going to bail Skyla out of jail and I meant that. She need to learn her lesson.

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