Authors Note

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This is not a chapter but just so you don't get confused as to who all the characters are..
Jalexiyah Mariah Simmons(Lex)
Taheim Deshawn Simmons-Jalexiyah's older brother
Aaliyah Lashae Simmons-The mother of Jalexiyah & Taheim
Princeton-The ex-husband of Aaliyah and the father of Jalexiyah & Taheim.
Trinton Jaquarious Hawkins(Trinny)-Jalexiyah's boyfriend of 3 years and 7 months
Triston Ahmad Hawkins-Trinton's older brother who was shot and killed
Kashaylah Monaey Hawkins-The mother of Trinton & Triston.. & The wife of Tyquarious Keshawn Hawkins
Tyquarious Keshawn Hawkins-The father of Trinton & Triston Hawkins & the husband of Kashaylah Monaey Hawkins
Skyla Jakeria Archangel-Jalexiyah's bestfriend & the girlfriend of Kadarious Walker
Kadarious Jamar Walker- Trinton's bestfriend & the boyfriend of Skyla

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