Chapter 12

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"Have you noticed that my parents aren't around?" I asked Dylan.

He pondered on this for a moment then replied,"Yes, but I just thought they just owned their own house while your siblings and you lived in the pack house. It is quite common for mates to live on their own while their children stay at the pack house."

I looked him dead in his eyes and said,"Our children are living with us. Don't even try to argue because you will not win Buttface."

Dylan sighed and ran a hand through his shaggy mess of blonde hair. "I thought we were passed the whole calling me Buttface thing," he said sounding annoyed, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

I patted his cheek gently with my hand as I said,"Aww. You actually thought I would stop calling you Buttface if I accepted you. That's so adorable."

Dylan took my hand away from his cheek and dropped it into my lap. "Just finish your story crazy woman," He said, making my sarcastic smile a thin line as my amusement turned into pain.

Dylan noticed my reaction and began apologizing for something that wasn't his fault. So I told him to stop and began where we left off.

"Okay, so you have noticed that my parents haven't been around. Well for starters, my parents are not at their own house. I wish that was the case," I said while looking at the white wall behind Dylan.

I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I chanted these words as I asked,"Do you want me to just give you the short version?"

As Dylan rubbed soothing circles on the top of my hand, he whispered,"If that is what you want to do, then yes." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I was thirteen when it happened. I remember I was the only one at the house because Hailee and the boys had went to the pack house, but I wanted to stay home so I could finish my book. I was just sitting on the couch silently reading when I heard a loud crash followed by sobbing coming from upstairs. I knew it was my mother sobbing, so I jumped up and raced to my parents bedroom," I paused for a moment as the images invaded my mind.

After a couple seconds, I continued. "Before I even walked into the room I knew something was really wrong. My wolf could feel it, and she kept trying to get me to go back downstairs. I ignored her and walked into the room. My mother was to the right of me and was on top of the remains of a table that she kept picture frames and other glass knick-knacks. There was so much glass and blood." I grimaced as Isabelle and I both remembered the terrible memories.

"So, of course I ran over to my mother to help her. I was such a momma's girl. Suddenly, I was snatched by my hair that was held in a ponytail and I screamed in pain as my eyes filed with tears. My mother then started screaming for Micheal to stop and let me go. Micheal was my father's name,"as I said the last part I finally looked at Dylan for a moment. He was trying to look calm, but I could see by how black his eyes were and the slight shaking of his body that he was actually outraged.

I looked away from him and concentrated on the wall once again.

"He wouldn't let go of my hair as he used it to yank my head back as he whispered that I shouldn't have come up the stairs and that I should have left along with my siblings. He then began beating me with his fists wherever he could hit on my body. At that point, my mother finally gained enough strength to tackle him and get him away from me. I ended up falling to the ground covered in blood and tears. Next thing I know I am waking up in a hospital bed at the pack house. The doctor told me that I had been passed out for around four days and that I had very serious injuries and would have to stay in the hospital for at least a week to recover. The next day I found out that my so called father had killed my mother before disappearing and that Morgan had found my mother and I. I broke down after that. I didn't allow anyone to visit me or anything," I said as tears started forming once again. I clenched my jaw and looked up at the ceiling. I just have to get through a little more.

"After I was released from the hospital, I locked myself in my room for months. I only left my bed for food or to use the bathroom. My wolf and I just stayed in my mind. I guess it was a copying mechanism. One day the alpha sent Blake to force me to get up and talk and stop laying around. Everyone knew I needed to stop staying in my mind, for it wasn't good for me. I really didn't want to leave my la-la land, but I did. And everyday got a little bit easier after I let some people in. I know I was going to give you the short version, but I guess I just got caught up in my memories. I am sorry for being such a bitch to you, but if it makes you feel better I am like that to everyone except a hand full of people," I finally finished as I looked down at our joined hands, holding back tears.

"Brianna, just let it out," Dylan said and that was all it took for me to break down in tears and wrap my arms around his neck. Dylan's arms went around me as he held me to him.

That night he held me until I cried myself to sleep and reminisced in the memories of my mother.


I FINALLY updated this story again. I am sorry for being so confusing.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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Bye Mundies

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