Chapter 3: waay back

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 Author note: SORRY, SORRY, SORRY! I know I've made you guys wait waaaayyy to long for this update. This book kind of been on a hiatus until I got my sh!t together due to the fact my school work has quadrupled! I've got so many freakin' essays to write, it's actually killing me. but after my school work and social life (or my poor excuse for a social life), you guys are my next on my priority list <3 . So again sorry for making you wait so long. on another note i hope you enjoy this chapter. It's kinda full with flashbacks, so if you're not a fan of those: sorry. This chapter is all about Flo and Hyde's relationship (please let me know what you think of the length)

"I'll have the Mocha pecan swirl...just one slice please." I said scouring the extensive menu.

"And I'll have a Mississippi mud pie slice with a chocolate milk!" Hyde announced gleefully

"No way am I having you throwing that up in my car, it smells enough in there as it is." groaning I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "he'll have the pie with a glass of water , please Kathy."

"You've got some really classy customers here, Kathy!" A  plainly dressed man from the counter hollered.

"Don't talk about my favorite customers like that" Kathy mock scolded. "They've been going here since way back!".  

Since way back indeed. way, waay back the first day of school...

+ + + + +                                                                                                                                                + + + + +

"But, honey.. you have to go inside," my mom looked down on me with a sympathetic smile, her eyes stared into mine trying to dowse my fears. 

"Plus-" my dad butted in, "It's the first  day of Kindergarten ever! I'm sure no one knows each other yet, so now's the time to make a good impression by not being tardy." His enthusiastic words only made me more nervous than before, I could feel my whole body burning up.

 My eyes began to water "but what if i make no friends?" I whispered looking down at my feet dangling over the edge of the car seat.

 "What?!" my mom exclaimed with laughter in her voice"who wouldn't want to make friends with you!" she laughed gesturing one hand at me. 

"You're the greatest person I know, You've got brains, heart and a beautiful smile... If any kid in there passes up the opportunity to be friends with you, then they're crazy!" my mom cheered tickling my little belly as I giggled and squirmed under her hand. 

 She hugged my close to her chest and soothingly rubbed circle in my back. 

"Go on," she whispered. 

My mom's encouragement finally got me out of the car and in front of the of the main door that loomed over me as if they were trying to intimidate me. Nevertheless, I took a deep breath, straightened my new dungaree dress and crossed the threshold. A middle aged woman with rosey cheeks and spectacles greeted me with warm smile. 

"And what is your name, young lady?" she queried kindly.

" Ummm. Florence. Florence James." I said while nervously tugging at my dress.

" ahhh.... James, JJJJJaaammmmeeess." she whispered to herself as she scanned the clipboard an her hand."Ahh!" She cheered "Here we are, you Young lady are in class 3A. Now that's just down the hall," Pausing she looked into my eyes for confirmation "I'll take there so you know for next time, you ready?" 

Flicking my pigtails with a strong nod I put my pudgy hand in hers and let her lead me to the next chapter in my life.

"This" she gestured around us "is the main corridor where all the coat hook and lockers are... The big door at the end is for the Assembly hall. That's where you have choir practice, plays and all sorts of fun stuff." the lady rambled on. "All the classrooms are down this corridor to the left," the said , steering me in the right direction "and here we are! your class" she smiled sweetly. " Miss Anderson will seat you inside."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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