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possibly my biggest accidental manifestation so far even before I knew the law of attraction existed.

as a kid I was shy and by shy I mean very very very shy so shy that teachers had to do special classes to make me talk they were also scared that I couldnt. Even though english wasnt my first lanauge I could speak it and understand them which was the reason they thought I couldn't speak. Even though I was just shy.

From primary although I did have many friends they were never 'true friends' I always felt like a odd person and never really fitted in during the whole of my school life. I remember a time when I used to look at all the popular kids and see how everyone would love them and watch their every move and how they were treated basically like a celebrity.
I remember when my parents were out (still do) I used to put headphones in really loud and dance around imagining being popular and everyone loving me and treating me like im famous in school. Reality; I was a socially awkward loner with self esteem problems who wasnt even alowed a life outside school (culture).

Then came the shocking moment. My parents moved near our family more where all my cousins live so we went to the same school as them. So there I was going to secondary school on my first day like any odd kid but then I heard my name being shouted by ten tall lanky guys walking towards me and my friends I didnt turn around I got scared but I noticed my cousin in the crowd (wat cousin oh yeah the one u never talked to. forget that I hardly talked to any of them).

Anyways I decided to ignore them and make my way exploring the school all of a sudden I noticed everyone looking at me they all started asking the same thing are you (my cousin)s cousin they all knew me because of his insane amount of popularity.
He was a rebal in school and me well one of those classic pussys.

So yeah the whole of my secondary school like I was literally treated that way I would have stalkers, people keeping eye on me spreading news what I was doing to even what I was eating and wearing. So the law of attraction worked. I would even have guys wanting to go out with me just because they would be given respect because my couson was given respect not because they were actually interested in me.

this is what got me down. I knew they only did that for that reason and thought I was actually pretty ugly but would put up with it as I became so known. I hated this, although I was known it wasnt for me it was for him. I used to wear glasses with thick badass eyebrows shaved badly from the middle. My hair was a mess my fashion was a mess and even my walk was a mess. I used to walk with a hunched back inwards because I became so self conscious of everyone looking at me and judging me.



I got contacts I always hated glasses and decided enough is enough. And had firm belief for years that I looked more hot without them (vain). first time I walked in ever without glasses people just didnt react like I was like omg you all should at least appreciate or say I look nice or something (ik double vain but oh well). I gave up looking for appreication and just came in to school with contacts in.
But then was the turning point, when I stopped looking I noticed I was getting a lot of attention and for the first time it wasnt because of my cousin. I still remember three guys staring at me smiling so I turned around like a fool and noticed yeah they were looking at me not some hot chick from behind lmao. guys started holding doors open for me,just staring like they were in love with me I even heard some call me pretty hot and stuff (ps im a good lisener) one even said wow her eyes he saw me without glasses I started to get compliments as I walked by even though I also started getting them with glasses on when I believed in myself.

So yeah people it works but be careful what you wish for. this was basically my school life I went through bullying racism a lot in school but it all turned around because of this law some may call it the law of attraction I call it the law of God.

ill update u on more stuff but this was the turning point for me of discovering the impact of this on my life.

thank u please share cuz sharing is caring votw comment whatever u want and sorry for the spelling its being updated on me phone.

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