Prologue: To See is a Curse

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Prologue: To See is a Curse

?¿ To see the shaterring reality that is life is a horrible curse. Some people say ignorance is bliss. And that is very true. Because being ignorant to the world is better than being aware of the world's darkness ¿?

- Pastel_Goth

A woman with honey blonde hair blissfully skipped through a park. It was very early in the morning. The sun's rays just peaked through the winter haze that covered this place. The girl dressed with heavy winter clothing still skipped by herself in the snow.

She whistled a tune because she was happy, no estatic to see no sight of human existence in her field of vision. But still cautious she kept darting her green orbs around the place to double check. She sighed in relief to still see no one. She sat down on a wooden bench, already tired of skipping.

But all of a sudden, "Miss, may I ask why are you up so early?" A little girl inquired. The girl curiously edged closer to the blonde who was in complete shock in hearing this little voice. The little girl was dressed in rags so clearly she was one of the many homeless around here. The little girl also had big green eyes and blonde hair tied in two plaits that swayed in the winter weather. "No...please no..." The blonde woman thought. The woman was so scared that she covered her green orbs with her gloved hands and brought her knees up to her face.

"Miss, are you okay? You look scared..." The girl croaked and after that phrase left the little girl's lips, she coughed. A horrendous cough that was a sure sign of sickness given her clothing arrangements and this weather.

"Y...You can...uh..." the green eyed
woman muttered and took off her trench coat that she had on as well as a scarf that was wrapped around her neck. "Here..." she finally croaked an audible word. "M-Miss I couldn't possibly take it..." The little girl refused the offering.

The blonde with her eyes still shut closed replied, "No I insist that you take it. I have a lot of layers on really need it don't you?"

"Uh...Okay...Thank you so much kind lady..." the little girl then took the clothes and wrapped it around herself. It was way too big for her but it kept her warm. And that's all she needed.

The little girl thanked the woman again and walked off, still coughing. When the woman couldn't feel the girl's prescence, she fluttered her eyes open. "Thank God." She breathed out.

"I don't think you should be thanking God in this situation, Maya Senfried, the human that can see." Stated a man dressed in an all white suit. He had a white cane with a vulture head on top of it. "No...I'm sorry Mikael...please don't take me away...I don't want another..."

"Maya Senfried, the human that can see, you're not going to receive another one. It's more serious this time." Michael stated in a serious tone reaching his hand out to Maya.

"I-I understand..." Maya replied as she accepted his outstretched hand. Then white feathers whirled around them and they appeared on top of fluffy clouds.

He lead Maya through the clouds still gripping onto her hand. Even though this was not the time to be blushing she was.

She then found herself on a wooden podium with the God of Life sitting cosily on a white marble throne. And beside him there were other thrones. Of course she couldn't see any of their faces.

"Maya Senfried, you are aware of what crime you have commited?" The God of Life asked.

"Y-Yes...Your Highness" The girl bowed towards the deity.

"You have disturbed the balance many times before but we let you get away with it. But now it's serious." The god bellowed.

"The discussion on Maya Senfried's consequence can begin." Stated a man with a white suit similar to Michael's one.

The God of Truth sighed and said, "We should just extract her power and give it to another host."

"U-Um if I may Geraldo, I think we should just let the poor girl live without the powers." Said what Maya presumes to be the God of Human Sin.

"I second Lucifer's proposition. I mean there must be a way to extract the power from her and not kill her at the same time." The God of Peace and Reincarnation said.

"I disagree. There is no way to do that. And if there was why should we grant clemency to this...human." The God of Lightning and Hatred said lowly. Spitting out the word human as if it was venomous.

"B-But she's not just a human...if the G-God of Gods chose her to see, she must be of some...importance..." God of Tarterus and Cowardice stuttered out, contradicting his brother's statement.

"Enough. Those in favour of Lucifer's idea on how we should find a way to extract the power without killing the host say I." God of Life stated strongly.

"I." Eight gods stated.

"Those in favour of Geraldo's idea of extracting the power the traditional way say I." The God of Life stated yet again.

"I" Nine gods stated.

"Then her consequence is clear. Maya?"

"Y-Yes. I'm ready. I want to get rid of this curse even if it costs me my life..." The blonde cried as she wore a bitersweet smile.

"So be it." The God of Life said.

And with that said Mikael...with a heavy heart tapped his cane on the girl's forehead. Her forehead lit up and her eyes turned pure white as light started to come out of her mouth and eyes.

"I am sorry...mi amore..." Mikael said under his breath as the final rays of light escaped her and that light formed into a ball. One lone tear streaked down the angel's face and his lips were arched into a frown.

?¿ To see the shaterring reality that is life is a horrible curse. Some people say ignorance is bliss. And that is very true. Because being ignorant to the world is better than being aware of the world's darkness ¿?

- Pastel_Goth

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