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Hey there, my names Tory Lander. Not trying to brag or anything but I'm good looking, dirty blonde hair, blueish brownish eyes, tall, fit, sporty, popular and have a, what the other girls say, "charming dimply smile". 

My parents were originally from Australia, but moved to Los Angeles to give birth and raise me. My parents own a large company, so I guess we're wealthy. I was going to attend a private school down in town after I graduated Oceanside Primary, but I came to Anaheim Middle School because "all my mates are coming here". Well thats what I said to my parents, but the real reason is because my crush, Carly Zhang, comes here too. 

She's totally different from me, nerdy, asian, not really popular, dark brown hair and eyes, quiet. Although I know all the other popular girls have a crush on me, I have still only ever been interested in Carly. She's so cute and funny, almost like a little 3rd grade girl. Actually, a 3rd grade girl, thats exactly when we met. To be honest I didn't like her at first, I thought she was nerdy and weird. But the more I watched her the more I liked her. She's not the prettiest girl, but she's the most beautiful girl to me. Carly is always polite, clever and just so sweet and shy. I've been crushing on her ever since 3rd grade. We're great friends, we talk a lot, sit next to each other- actually I kind of sit to next her- but anyways we're close. I've tried to ask her out slowly, tries to know how she feels about me, I even flirt with other girls to see if she'll notice or get jealous. 

Her parents are strict so Carly always kindly rejects my invites with things like "Sorry I'm sick" or "Sorry test tomorrow". But I always know its just a excuse, I mean who has a test every single 2 days? She does notice me flirting with other girls but tries to act like she doesn't care, but I can tell she does, she looks away or ignores topics on that whenever we chat. I remember one time when she tried to see if I had a girlfriend, Amy the girl I just flirted with. "Um Tory? Um...about Amy and you...Um never mind..." She turned as red as those hightop Converses she was wearing that day. I tried to tease her a little "Why? You getting ummm whats that word...Jealous?" I said as I stared directly at her small hands, now fiddling nervously with the silver feather bracelet she was wearing. Carly instantly looked up and turned to leave. I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer then whispered "I'll ignore anyone that you want as long as you'll stay with me." Meaning it with all of my heart. She didn't look back but I could feel her hands instantly heat up, I laughed to loosen up the mood, then really slowly letted go of her hands. "Haha just joking, but I will and would and just so you know I'm not interested in her." Carly just quietly said "Okay I know" and left without another word. 

Carly's just cutely awkward like that, but she's normally quite opened up around me. Unlike the other girls at school, she really innocent and sweet. I don't know why no other guy likes her, I can't think of any reason why.

My parents have also met Carly once at the school's parents teacher interview night last month. I introduced them to Carly, they had a quick chat with Carly, instantly loving her politeness. After she left, my mum instantly knew my feelings for her. "Tory she's a nice girl, I wish she was my daughter-in-law." My dad started laughing, a loud shocking sound different from Carly's sweet angel like laugh, as I blushed instantly-something I rarely do in front of them- and nodded. "You like her aye boy" asked my dad, who is now getting me embarrassed, "Um...Well you two can already tell so yea...I kind of do". My parents started laughing, for a long long time. "Well your almost 15, you can choose your path, but she's a nice innocent girl don't mess her up unless if you really love her." I only managed a nod, already started to daydream our wedding day, her favorite strawberry n cream cakes everywhere with her in a beautiful princess gown, the spotlight of the day.

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