Chapter 1: "Mundane"

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Hey, hey, hey! Thank you for reading this far! It makes me happy that people do enjoy this (hopefully)! Not much to say here....

Let's get started!


"Bye Okaasan! We'll see you later!"

"Bye you two! Don't cause trouble, I already have my hands full at the restaurant, I don't want any complaints from your sensei or any parents!"

"Will do! Let's go or we'll be late."


Clipping on the last button of your raincoat, you and Takashi headed out the door from the dry and warm house, to the cold and wet outside. Sprinkles or water droplets fell from the sky, enveloping everything in sight. Eyeing the small pond, you both made your way down the muddy trail to the edge of the village. You passed by various people in raincoats or under umbrellas. Some only wearing thin clothing, and seeking refuge under the tall buildings.

The village had many large skyscrapers, something you founded amazing for such an average sized village. Then again you wouldn't know what an average village was, you've never seen other villages.

Walking together, you and Takashi made your way to the academy. Giving an occasional hello to familiar shopkeepers or villagers. Well, Takashi would speak, you would just give a friendly wave.

After some more walking, you reached a medium sized building, coated in a sky blue-greyish paint, with a steel fence surrounding the academy perimeter. You both hurried in, along with some other academy students from various classes. Upon entering, you and Takashi took off your hoods and wiped off the droplets of rain stuck to your coats. Takashi then lead the both you down a familiar hallway lining up classroom doors. He stopped at a door just before one at the end of the hall. Opening it, he motioned for you to first enter, which you nodded in a 'thank you', and stepped inside. He followed in suite, passing by the noisy kids in the class as you both made your way to the middle rows of benches and desks.

You found your spot and sat down, with Takashi next to you on your right. Immediately, boredom consumed you as waited for your sensei to arrive. Blowing a strand of your hair away from your face, you shifted your gaze to a pair of your classmates. They were an entertaining duo, but only kept you occupied for so long.

Sighing you put a palm under your cheek, staring blankly at the front of the room. Sensing your boredom (you pretty much radiated it), Takashi sighed putting his arms behind his head. "Well...what do you think Reiner is doing right now?"

Gazing at him, you muttered, "Probably having a better time than us..." Takashi nudged you replying, "It ain't so bad here. Sure he's already a jounin now and off on more missions...but really we should enjoy our time here. He's constantly been nagging to me how they always send him on missions and all." Under your arm, you smiled secretly.

After Reiner became a chunin, things started to change at a steady pace. You started to express your emotions more easily, thanks to Takashi and your Okaa-san. Reiner would help at times, but he wasn't at home often anymore. The rumors of you stopped spreading around, and people treated you as though you were a normal person.

You and Takashi had grown considerably, though the male still was an inch or two taller than you. You kept your hair in a high ponytail that reached below your shoulders, it would usually be hidden under the hood of your raincoat. Takashi had also grown out his hair, leaving it in a very short ponytail that reached his shoulders. You had asked him why he decided to grow it out, and he answered, "I think the girls in class like it."

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