Midnight Teasing

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Mark and I are good friends, it almost seems as if he has feelings for me, I also have feelings for him, but I try not to question it because it would make our friendship awkward.

One night, I was laying alseep in my bed. I was having a nightmare, trying to run away from the mole men from Vanish. As I ran, I fell into a puddle of sewage water in my dream, I was then awaken by falling off my bed into a pool of water about about a foot high. What the hell? Am I still dreaming? I thought to myself as I got up heading towards where the water was coming from. It turns out the water pipes had bursted and I figured I needed a place to stay.

I called my land lord who then called the plumbers. They said that I would need to find a hotel room for at least a week before I could return to my apartment. I decided to call Mark instead, knowing that he doesn't live with anyone else and has a guest room.

"Hey Mark, it's [Y/N]--"
"Jesus [Y/N], it's 12:30. Let a man get his beauty sleep." Mark said with a groggy voice. I laughed and responded. "I was wondering if I could stay over your place? The water pipes in my building bursted and I need a place to stay for at least a week."
"Yeah, sure, I don't mind."
"Okay, I'll be there in 20." I said before getting my suitcase and packing a week's worth of clothing that was still dry.

~Time Skip~

I parked my car and headed up to Mark's apartment. I knocked on the door and stood there in my wet pajamas, shivering a bit. Mark opened the door with his mouth open.

"Woah, [Y/N], come inside." he moved to the side to let you enter.
"Thanks Mark, I'm sorry for waking you, I really didn't feel up to buying out a hotel for a whole week."
"It's fine, do you need any PJ's to change into?"
"No, I have everything in here." I say pointing to my suitcase.
"Okay, well just make yourself at home." Mark said with a smile and I continued towards the guest room. I sat my suitcase down and pulled out some extra PJ's. I grabbed them and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I got into some fresh clothes, I heard whining coming from up front. I walked into the living room to see Mark playing Need For Speed.
"What are you still doing up? It's like 1:00 in the morning."
"I just didn't feel like going back to sleep. Want to play with?"
"Sure, I didn't feel like sleeping either... nightmare." I say as I sit down on the floor next to Mark.
"Oh, what about?"
"I've been there... plenty of times." He says handing me the game controller.

~Time Skip~

We were playing for about 20 minutes. I was beating the shit out Mark, and of course he got jealous. After I beat him for like the 10th time, he went on to say, "Alright, Alright [Y/N], this one if for ALL the beans."
"Ohhh, you're on!"
We proceeded to play, but then he passed me to 2nd place. "Noooo!" I shouted quietly, trying not to disturb the neighbors. I tried to knock the controller out of his hands while jumping on top of him. "No baby! I got this is the baaag baby!" Mark pleaded with excitement.

After he won, I watched him grin like the 3 year old he is. He didn't stop there either, he got up and started dancing. I knew it was meant to be silly, but I couldn't help but to be turned on by it a little. 
He caught me staring and smirked "I know you want all of this." he said as he struck an over dramatic ("paint me like your French girls") pose. "Oh, shut up you big goof!" I said as I tackled him back down to the floor. We were laughing like 2nd graders... Then, I all of a sudden found myself straddling him.

Dun Dun Duuun... cliff hanger :P. The upcoming smut scene isn't all my idea, aphrothena1221 helped me write it... so go check out her stories, she's really good at writing. And also the main story picture comes from  allyagoatfan & sensualmark (And maybe some pictures in the future) so also go check out their stories. Thanks for reading :3
P.S: Not written to arouse, but written for those who like to read about smut :)... enjoy.


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