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I took out the map of Rio and a red pen.

I circled my destination before putting on my sunglasses and rolling down the window.

The air filled my lungs with passion and belonging.

Twenty four year old me shone within thirty four year old me.

Along the way I made several stops.

I visited my mother and told her my plan before saying goodbye.

I stopped at a fruit stand and had fresh mango and pineapple juice as I got to know the vendor.

I stopped at artisan stands and bought something from each stand- one was a gift I knew you'd love.

The next day as I continued the road trip, I stopped at a small beach and thought about what to say.

I took a trip with a local fisherman and I met his family whom I spent the night with after we toured several islands.

The third day I drove as much as I could all the way down the coast.

One more day until I reached my destination.

The destination that was pulled from me ten years ago.

My brother warned me. My mother guided me.

I was certain this was the only thing that ever stirred my heart.

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