Fox 10

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"You're headed to the training center?" Jason questioned as he walked beside us through the school grounds. We had run into him when we first left the dorms. He looked particularly dashing as he strolled besides us his blue eyes sparkling in the morning's sun.

"Yup! We're going to work on Tae's shifting and my fighting." Levi replied excitedly. "Oh! And Alistair's spell use too."

"It's good to always challenge yourself. It'll only help you grow more as a mage and familiars." He smiled.

"So where are you headed?" Alistair questioned.

"I'm one of the advisers at the training center today." He explained.

"How many advisers are there?" I questioned.

"Anywhere between fifteen and twenty. You might actually meet Mr. Corin's other familiar, Thomas, there." Jason replied with a hint of a blush tinting his cheeks.

"How many familiars do mages have?" I asked.

"It depends on the mage and how powerful they are. Usually beginners only have one until they graduate and then they'll take on more and more as they become stronger. Alistair is a special case and it's definitely a unique skill and a testament to his strength to have two familiars at his age." Jason praised and Alistair blushed.

"What do you do as an adviser?" Levi questioned completely missing the subtle blush completely.

"Well I usually give pointers to students who want it during their training. I'll enter the training room with them and tell them what it is that they need to work on and how they can better defend themselves. The other advisers simply monitor what happens in each room to be sure that nothing dangerous happens." He explained as he reached out to hold the door open for us.

I hadn't even realized that we had made it to the training center with all the talking we had been doing. The three of us brushed past him as we walked inside the building where there were only a handful of students walking around.

"See! I told you it was a good idea to come this early." Alistair poked Levi in the cheek.

"That doesn't mean it's okay for me." He snarled. Clearly Levi wasn't a morning person and he made it clear to everyone who asked.

"Since it's your first time here I would advise that you three spar with an adviser present in the training room." Jason suggested as he followed us inside the training center.

"Do we just pick one we like or..."Levi questioned.

"You can sign in and an adviser will be chosen for you." He explained.

"So we might not get you?" I questioned.

"Why? Do you like learning with me?" He teased causing my cheeks to heat up.

"No! I mean, well of course but n-not like th-that." I stuttered to which he simply laughed as he led us to the front desk where a charming older woman sat waiting for us.

"Who are these lovely young men Jason?" She questioned brightly.

"This is Alistair, Levi, and Tae."

"Aren't they absolutely adorable." She cooed causing us all to blush. "You better be careful that Tommy don't get jealous again."

"Tommy?" Levi questioned with a smirk.

"Don't worry about it. Carol can you sign them in and give them the first available adviser?" He questioned as he dismissed Levi completely.

"Well I'll be darned." She smiled brightly. "Their advisers have already been chosen for them courtesy of Mr. Corin."

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