Chapter 11

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Kat's POV

"Kat? Kat? Kat!"

I sat up and saw the boys all standing next to my bed, "What?"

"It's time to get up. We have to go to soundcheck." Niall said.

I rolled off the bed and stood up. This was the second time I was awake this morning. Belle was consistent on her 7am bottle and then three hour nap.

I looked over to her playpen to see her resting soundly. I smiled. Then I felt Niall's lips on my cheek. "She's fine."

I looked at him, "I know."

"Yes, I know that you know. But I also know that inside you're freaking out that something's going to happen to her."

I swatted his arm, "I am not! I'm just fond of her and she makes me smile."

His thick muscled arms wrapped around me. "Well I'm very fond of you as well, love."

"Ok great!" Louis threw his hands up. "You two are absolutely sickening! Go be lovebirds somewhere else!"

I chuckled, "Lou, you're the one over on this bus right now. You didn't have to come."

"Yeah." Liam added, "Niall did warn you, again, that we were coming over to see Kat."

"Gee thanks, Payno. You're not helping me here."

Harry yawned, "Honestly, I think Niall and Kat are a cute pair. Much cuter than me and Syd; although don't tell her I said that."

We all laughed. Harry leaned his head against the bed frame again.


They all rushed over to Belle's playpen and looked down at her. I followed, watching each of their reactions.

"She did just say something, right?" Niall asked.

"I think so." Liam added.

"It was definitely something." Harry said cheerfully.

"It sounded like absolute gibberish." Louis cut in.

"You boys don't understand the first thing about babies, do you?"

They all shook their heads.

"She's trying to copy you. That means that as of right now, the swearing stops. All of it!"

"I have a question about that." Niall said raising his hand.

"Put you hand down. No swearing. She's going to start doing this more and we don't want her swearing before speaking sentences."

Louis shrugged, "Although I have to say hearing a one year old swearing might be sick!"

Niall glared at him, "You're kidding, right? I won't have my daughter calling me nasty things just because you do, Tommo."

"Good answer, Nialler." I leaned down and picked Belle up. "Good morning, princess." I kissed her cheek.

Belle giggled, receiving 'awwws' from the boys. Her little arms reached out toward Niall and he took her from my arms.

"How's my little princess this morning?" He kissed her little forehead and blew raspberries on her stomach.

Belle giggled and smiled. "Da."

We all went silent. I looked at Niall and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. When his eyes met mine, a tear fell down his cheek. I smiled back at him and then motioned for the other boys to leave the room. I left a kiss on Niall's cheek and followed the boys out.

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