"From what I heard you weren't much of a businessman." I froze at her words. She must have known about Dom. But how? He wasn't likely to tell anyone. I couldn't imagine him telling a sibling, let alone a strange girl obsessed with my clothes. A doorbell rang in the distance, shaking both Vera and I out of whatever thoughts we were thinking.

"Ooo! They're back!" Vera scurried off to the front door while I sat down on her bed, trying to regain some sort of bearings before I went downstairs and met the man Vera so desperately wanted me to meet.

Walking downstairs was strange. I could feel a pull... something dragging me towards the front door. I tried to ignore what I was feeling. It couldn't be possible. My heart started beating faster, my palms getting sweaty... all the signs were there yet I refused to believe it. Standing in the doorway was a spectacular man. He had dark brown eyes and dark hair and a tattoo on his hand. The man standing next to him was sharing looks in between him and I yet no words were spoken. A sound was made behind them that broke the spell, however, and cast me into a new one. There was a girl with blonde hair came bouncing inside, a grin on her face.

She was my mate.

"And you must be Kaija. Greetings, mate," everyone turned towards me at my words, shocked to hear them coming from me. Kaija walked in, wearing an old jean dress that was almost definitely hand-me-down.

"We need to talk." My heart somehow increased in speed, the sound of my blood pumping ringing loudly in my ears.

"As you wish, mate," a look passed over her face at my words before she gestured for me to come outside with her. We walked in silence. During the entire walk I fought the urge to grab her hand, to touch her body. The walk didn't concluded until we reached an old weathered tree.

"Do you know anything about this tree?" Kaija asked, her voice seemingly coming out both harsh and soft at the same time.


"I just thought maybe my brother told you about it."

"You know about that then, huh?"

"How could I not? Dom is my entire world. He's all I have left. Of course I know about that. It's gonna kill my brother knowing that we're together- that we're mates." Her voice sounded broken and this time I didn't hold myself back from touching her. The second I touched her pure warmth surged through my body. I wrapped my arms around her small frame, loving the way it fit into my own. She nuzzled her head into my neck and I could help but doing the same to hers. I felt the urge to mark her, claim her as my own. Knowing about what was to come, however, let me resist the urge. I would not mark her knowing in the coming weeks I might not make it out alive. I pulled back, forcing myself to look away.

"I need to go check in with Beau. I haven't in a while." She didn't conceal the hurt look on her face well and I couldn't blame her. We hadn't been with each other an hour and I was already leaving. I didn't want to deal with this right now. Too many thoughts were raging in my head. I needed some space to myself.

"I'll see you later mate, okay?" I said, my voice and head low as I avoided eye contact. She didn't say anything. She only walked away. I did the same. Walking never seemed to settle my nerves. Kaija deserved better than me. That much alone, I was certain of. I walked deeper into the forest, not really caring where I was going. I just needed to be away, at least that much I was certain of.

"Otto!" I looked up, hearing my nickname before I saw the man. Morelli. I wonder where he had been all this time.

"Enea, what a lovely surprise!" I said, genuine enthusiasm sounding in my voice. Enea Morelli was one of the good guys. I'd worked with him a few times over the last couple of years, each time proving to be more enjoyable than the next. It didn't hurt that he was easy on the eyes as well.

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