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"You got a what?" He yelled at me.

"A dog." I whispered playing with my soup.

He practically sat there with his head in the palms of his hands.

"Where is it?" He said as he got up.

"Honey you don't ha-" my mom said but got interrupted by my dad.

"WHERE IS IT?!" He yelled even louder grabbing his gun from his back pocket.

"Daddy no!" I yelled at him as I was tugging the back of his shirt.

He spotted the dog as he looked out the window. He opened the screen and he stepped out to the backyard. I stood there in tears and stared at him pointing the gun at the dog.

He put his finger on the trigger. I ran in front of the dog and he pulled the trigger all the way.

I stood there looking at my womb on my left hip. I moved my hand and saw blood all over it. I looked up at my dad and he had the gun up to his head.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. " he whispered to himself pacing around the backyard.

"I love you. " was his last words until he pulled the trigger and shot himself.

I dropped almost dead to my knees then onto my face as I heard my mom running towards me.

She was balling her eyes out and calling for help. She held my head in her hands as she blew on my face.

I heard ringing and I was blacked out.

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