You break , you buy

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"Ma tell me a bedtime story!" I yelled tugging my mom's apron.

"Honey hold on I'm washing the dishes !" She hushed me. We had just finished eating dinner and the soup made me tired .

As she rinsed the last plate , she said "alright baby I'm done . Lets go to your room."

I pulled her apron towards me and she dropped the plate on the floor . I saw it shatter into a million pieces like my ma's heart the night daddy hurt her.

"Oh my lord!" She yelled.

"Sorry mama . I didn't mean to." I finally choked out .

She sighed and calmed down.

"It's alright . We have much more in the cabinet ." she smiled while grabbing the dust pan .

I took one step towards my room without her grabbing my wrist and pulling me against her.

I shut my eyes and slowly turned around to face her.

"Open up." she whispered to me.

"Why?" I questioned softly.

"Open." she reassured me.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked into her emerald green ones.

"You break , you buy." she said copying a Indian guy down the street.

"But I don't have money ma." I said pulling out my pockets

"Not that ." She said softly pulling me into a hug.

"Then what?" I questioned .

"This. Just this is right. " she whispered in my ear. Her heart was beating faster this time. It kinda worried me. But I left it alone and felt the love rushing up and down our bodies.

"This is just right."

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