school sucks

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Nothing beats a new fresh start...

that is, if school was on that list.

They all say,

you get to see your friends again,

don't you miss them?

But they forgot to mention the part where

they don't miss you at all.

They instead, wanted a break from you;

summer just wasn't long enough

and they decide to find another group of friends.

Was I just not good enough?

Was I part of the problem?

But as the week pass, the group of friends

got smaller...

and smaller...

no one was upset anymore,

no one talked to each other again,

no one even noticed each others presence as they pass in the hallways.

What happened to that 'Fresh Start'?

the way of life ; poemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें