Meeting Gabe

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I just sat there for a whille and watched them laugh at something that happened earlier that the Kellin's friend saw.

"Hey Kellin, you gonna introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh yeah." He said in between laughs.  Was I forgotten already?  "Hey, Vic.  This guy is like the best guy in the world.  I'd like you to meet Gabe." I saw him smile.

It was a pretty smile.  I liked it.

"What's  up man?  Like Kelly said over here.  I'm Gabe."

"Vic.  Like Kellin said earlier."  I said quietly.

A thought was on my mind.

"Now you know each other. Hey Gabe is Justin here today?"

"Nah, I think he's sick. He said he wasn't coming this morning."

Who gets sick on the third day of school?

"Who gets sick on the third day of school?" I heard someone repeat aloud. It wasn't me.

It was Kellin. Is he reading my mind? Coincidence?

"Knowing Justin, he'll be sick on the first day."

"But see, people do that. I wasn't here first day of school last year." He said a little sadly like he regretted mentioning it.

"Yeah, I know." He squeezed Kellin's leg for comfort.

Now I know I missed something. Since I was technically apart of the group I guess I will break this awkward moment.

Since I don't really talk that much my voice was kinda low. I'm use to just listening to my thoughts and responding to them.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Now hearing it aloud I feel really stupid because no one ever said they were dating. My face went red a little.

This is why you don't speak.
My thoughts ran through my head.

I looked and saw Kellin raise his head up. He was about to cry?

He put a slight smile on his face and chuckled.
"I don't know? How long have we been dating?"

Gabe did a fake gasp. "How dare you forget we never dated before?" He laughed afterwards.

They both laughed.

"Nu-uh, me and Gabe aren't dating. He's as straight as a toothpick." Kellin giggled.

That made me some what happy. I don't know why.

"I don't know. I might bend some rules, for you." He kissed Kellin's cheek.

Kellin's face turned red. I was a little uncomfortable.

"Ew, Gabe. Stahp. Your lips are too slobbery."

I found that weird since it was a simple peck on the cheek.

"You loved it." He said.

"I know you loved it when I strapped you to the bed and-"

"Fuck you Quinn."

"Okay but I'm topping this time."

I laughed a little. For someone who isn't together they sure act like it. It was kinda funny. I guess that's just being in a friend ship?

---5th Period Lunch---

I sat down with Kellin and Gabe. I was about to sit down and eat the food on my tray, then I felt those eyes again.

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