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s y n o p s i s: "You think you'll get anywhere running away from your problems all your life? That's all you ever do! Run! Run from me, run from you!"

Miah held Amaryllis' gaze, yet he did not run. He did the one thing worse: nothing.


Take the #NoMoreBullying challenge.

s t a t u s:  completed

April 25, 2015- August 5, 2015

a u t h o r ' s    n o t e: This is a short story that was written for the #NoMoreBullying project. It is a complete work of fiction.

It may contain graphic and/or triggering content. Read at your own discretion.

I tried to make this story as realistic as I could, but also keep in mind that this is a work of fiction. So even if it seems far fetched, it is completely plausible in my mind.

This story means a lot to me. I am working really hard to edit it and make it better, because I did only write it in two days. I just got the idea and I really wanted to finish it before I lost the motivation. So now it will be better (hopefully).

I just want you all to know that suicide isn't the answer. I don't want anyone to think that I'm trying to glorify it or anything. If you're having troubles, please don't hesitate to message me. My inbox is always open if you want to talk. You are never alone, so please don't ever think that.


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