On the other hand, McGonagall covered her face in embarrassment as we celebrated... Being the worst house at Hogwarts.

Finally, food appeared on the platters in front of us, and Sirius, James, Peter, Remus, and I scarfed down as much chicken and pudding as we could. This was our last night together to continue Animagus training, and we all couldn't wait to spit out those Mandrake leaves.

"Vix, I hid the cloak and those notes outside the great hall. Let's go!" James whispered in my ear after I finished a third helping of chocolate pudding.

"Mmhm right," I muttered and grabbed two more cups of the amazing pudding before following the boys out of the great hall. Before we could leave, Filch abruptly studded us in the hall.

"And where do you think you're going? To shave Mrs. Whiskers again?" he wheezed and looked around frantically for his precious cat.

"No... Moony- er, Remus was just feeling a bit sick!" James lied. Filch looked at Remus suspiciously, who suddenly grabbed his stomach and let out a convincing moan.

"Alright... But if I find more fireworks in my office, I'll know just who put them there..." Filch grumbled and allowed us to leave. As we passed by him, I saw James slip a dung bomb in his pocket.

"Prongs!" I scolded. He gave me his signature smirk and picked up the invisibility cloak from behind a suit of armor before throwing it over all five of us. James held up his fingers and counted down- three, two, one...

"Potter!" Filch screamed and started wheezing down the corridor, the godawful smell following him as he passed us.

"Really Prongs?" I chastised, although I was smiling.

"Couldn't let him forget me over the summer, now could I?" James asked with a laugh and we began our walk to the seventh floor. I had to smack Sirius once because he was going to whistle at a couple that was making out in what they thought to be 'private' around a corner.

"Feels good to be back," I sighed when we finally made it to the Room of Requirement. Everything seemed right where we left it.

"Professor Moony?" Sirius joked and raised his hand, looking at Remus expectantly. Remus was already flipping through a page of McGonagall's notes and rolled his eyes at Sirius.

"Yes Mr. Padfoot?" Remus replied in a high-pitched voice that sounded exactly like Professor Donner.

"Could you please tell me what I've got to do so I can spit this thing out?" Sirius asked in a falsely polite voice before sticking out his tongue which had the mashed-up leaf on it. Remus started to laugh before turning the paper towards Sirius, so he could read it.

"No way! No way!" Sirius shook his head and groaned as his eyes skimmed the page. "I am not swallowing this! It'll probably make me sicker than a dog!"

"That's what you want to do, right?" I joked, but squirmed at the idea of swallowing that bacteria laden leaf... I could already feel my stomach churning.

"You guys will do it if you want to become Animagi..." Remus shrugged. I exchanged a look with James, Sirius, and Peter. If Remus can endure the process of turning into a werewolf each month... We can swallow one disgusting leaf to become Animagi!

"Alright, on the count of three..." I sighed. "One, two, three..."

Gagging, I managed to choke the leaf down. My stomach was trying to scream at me 'don't swallow things that have rotted in your mouth for a month!' The three boys looked like they were about to get sick. Remus just stood there amused, watching us struggle.

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