Chapter 11 Victory??

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Bucky was mumbling as he was walking, actually being dragged out of, the base.
".........don' leave......I'll fix......go after......Sku......," he continued breathlessly.

Steve responded with, "There's no way I'm leaving you like this Buck. I'm not taking you to a hospital". He knew that many people had seen the Winter Soldier on TV, they might not help. Plus, the part of New Jersey they were in was a ghost town. There wasn't a hospital within a fifty mile radius. Bucky tried to pull away from Steve once, right after he said he wouldn't leave him, but then he realized that he'd just fall, so he let Steve help, reluctantly. They reached their way out, the Quinnjet, which was called while the video was being transmitted and surrounded by a huge energy shield, with only one attack. Inside the jet, Bucky sat down, Steve got him a wet cloth and called one of the few remaining SHIELD agents. They were a certified doctor. Bucky really wanted nothing to do with SHIELD or the Avengers, but there wasn't much he could do.
The Avengers that couldn't fly on there own filed into the Quinnjet. They didn't really notice Bucky and if they did, they ignored him. Tony came in, eventhough he could fly. Then, he took off the suit he was wearing. He told JARVIS to set a course back to the Avengers mansion. When they were a good distance away from HYDRA's base, Tony put his hands out, in a position that looked like some sort of martial arts move. Meanwhile, peices of Mark XXXXII* pulled off of a rageful Schmidt. Even worse for him, as the pieces pulled away, the face (that came off last) played a voicemail recording of Tony saying "sucker." Although they never captured the Red Skull or Arnim Zola, they had never planned on doing that. The SLEEPERs were destroyed, and no Avenger, or civilian was wounded badly. Overall, they had accomplished their mission.

*If you payed really close attention to Iron Man 3 this is the suit that he wore when AIM attacked, and the one he tested out when a Christmas record was playing in the beginning

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