Chapter 5 Assembling

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"If we weren't in danger right now, I'd tell you I told you so,"Steve said as-a-matter-a-factly.

"You just did," replied Tony.

"Suppose so," Steve grinned.

"Now that that's over, we can track them down," Tony said. On cue, Captain America began explaining his plan.

"Clint, Sam, and Thor, you take the high ground. If you see a SLEEPER try and warm it up for me. Tony and Bruce, you work on tracking them down. I hope JARVIS is ready to find them for you," Steve emphasized the last part. He the looked at Bruce, "Be ready to Hulk up. Natasha and I are going to see if we can find our other targets. Continue to contact me so I can see where we're at on finding the SLEEPERs," Steve paused "Everyone understand?" he got many nods, "Then let's take 'em down."

"Did you work on that JARVIS dig on the way down here?" Tony asked. He didn't get a response.

While the Avengers split up, Natasha looked at Steve,"You know you gave us the hard job?"

"What, you don't like a challenge?" Steve joked, almost nudging Natasha, as he would've to Bucky.

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