Chapter 9 HYDRA

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When the Avengers arrived, HYDRA had been waiting. They had a whole squad of agents, all armed*. But, what they hadn't been expecting was their Trojan horses (Yes, horses, although it looked more suspicious that way, Steve had insisted and as Spider-Man once said, "When you're arguing with Captain America, you're usually wrong.") It was like they had read each other's minds, both Tony and Bucky found a way to control the SLEEPERs. Obviously, James wasn't as technologically advanced as his fellow SLEEPER driver (no one really was, plus being born in 1916 didn't help) though he had picked up the pass code from HYDRA to control it. Consequentially, HYDRA was no match for the SLEEPERs. It was like crushing an ant with a boot.**

There was one catch to the teams seemingly perfect infiltration. Bucky Barnes didn't want to deal with seeing his old friend yet. After his job was done he started to sneak away. He heard someone behind him. Quick on his feet, he turned around, but it was too late. Black dots flashed on the corners of Bucky's eyes, then that black slowly closed in on him, he felt nauseous, he desperately tried to stay awake, but his muscles wouldn't work, the sedative had set in. He collapsed. Since Johann couldn't take on all of the Avengers, he decided he could always get some more weaponry. The Red Skull was never very careful when taking his prisoners. He "accidentally" hit the Winter Soldier on a few walls, and a satisfied smile creeped on his face when he heard a crack. This would make Captain America more desperate. Plus, even if the Avengers refused his offer, his collarbone would heal soon enough.

*Level 750😉

**If you recognize this, Yay! You've seen the Avengers!, "An ant has no quarrel with a boot"-Loki Lauferson and "Ant, boot"-Nick Fury.

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